💜- A Small Hobby -💚

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Another request!!

Have ya boy Darkheart and the Illuwalker couple in this too!!

The gaes go phishing



The day started off calm.

Dom and Boombox were sitting outside, enjoying the refreshing breeze of the summer.

The weather was pretty hot in the Playground, Boombox didn't seem to care, since he was already used to the place, while Dom was still struggling a bit with adjusting to the weather.
The sun was shining brightly on the sky, while the couple held hands while looking around.

- "Do you have any idea of what we could do? I'm bored..." Boombox said, raising his head to look at his lover, who was distracted, looking at the green environment around them.
Boombox poked Dom's shoulder, which caught his attention.
Dom lowered his head and looked at his lover with a calm expression.

- "What is it, Boom?" He asked softly.

- "Eh, I'll ask again... Do you have any idea of what we could do?" The smaller demon asked, tilting his head.

Dom raised his head again, looking around as he thought in silence, trying to think of a fun activity to do in the summer, like a hobby.
He thought and thought, carefully examining the jungle around him, until he noticed something that gave him an idea:

A small lake.

He recalled that his grandfather was friends with a guy who's hobby was fishing, maybe he could ask his grandfather if he could ask that guy to bring Dom and Boombox with him for a small fishing session? It would be pretty fun.

Dom giggled at the idea, looking down at Boombox.

- "I have an idea." He said with his usual calm tone, his dragon-tail flickered and he grabbed his lover's hand.

- "What is it, Dom?" Boombox asked, he was curious.

- "...Wanna go fishing?" Dom asked, tilting his head a little bit.

Boombox raised an eyebrow at that, he never tried fishing in his whole life, but maybe it would be worth a try?

- "Eh, sure!" He replied, a smile forming on his face again, as he grabbed Dom's other hand.

Dom nodded, getting up with Boombox.

- "Then, let's head back home to grab our things." He said, walking away with Boombox, who was now hugging him, as they walked back to their apartment at the Playground.


Somewhere else, below the Blackrock bridge, a tall figure, who seemed to be wearing witch-like clothes, was calmly fishing.

They casted the line, calmly humming to themselves while they waited for a fish to bite the bait.
The silence reigned, except for their low humming, but then, some loud steps were heard.

- "...Darkheart?" A distorted voice called.

The figure, who seemed to be named Darkheart, turned their head to whoever was standing behind them, noticing a familiar ghost-like figure and another one, who seemed like an greek god mixed with an angel.

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