lover boy

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Hi I'm Nicholas Strniolo, and this summer has been so weird without my best friend Larrey. He has been at camp all summer and we have been righting to me. But school starts in a week and I can't wait to see him. So hear is my story and we begin at a week before school. Nick it's time to wake up his mom yells. Five more minutes he yawns. Then his mom explained, you have to wake up! He sits up weakly and said, Why it's summer I have a week before school. She said while folding landry, I know but you promised Mr. Arens that you would dog sit today while he gose to Rode Icland. He sights, ok. Then he gets up and begins to dress in gray sweatpants a pink sweatshirt and puts on a pair if brown glasses. Ok I'm going he grabes his phone and reized he needed a ride so he gose and gets Matt. He said, hey can you drive me? Matt explains he's going to see Maddison,"AKA" Madison beer"AKA" his girlfriend. Nick said why are you always with her. Matt explains she pregnant of course i'm always going to be with her. Then nick looks at Matt sadly and said sorry it's just so new. Then Matt gose over and said ok I'll drive you but you gonna get your self an Uber. Nick said ok. He gets to Mr.Arens house and knocked. Mr. Arens opens it and said hey Nick i would have had Larry do it but he doesn't get back until 9:00 tonight. He Seid no problem I mean I am like a second son. Then Mr.Arens smiles and said there is money on the table for food and it He needs enything to just call her said ok. Then he gose and turns on the TV and gets some cereal. Then he gose on Instagram and sees that Chris is talking shit about him because he is gay. Then he calls his mom and said that Chris is posting about him AGIAN. Then his mom said that she would take care of it and five minutes later he sees a video of Chris apologize to Nick. A few hours pass by and Larry gets home. O M G it's you your home and gives him a big hug. Then he look and said you had a glow up too. Then Larrey said sarcasticly wow that's rude why would you say that overly joking. Nick not knowing he was jocking trys to apologize Then Larrey grabes his face and said it ok it was a joke. Then both of Then staring deeply in eachotheres eyes they move closer and closer until they are one inch apart. Larrey moves closer and Nick's stops then and said I should get gone now. Larrey said ok, ok I'll see you tomorrow at our usual nick fumbling to put stuff in his bag oh-ok see you. Then calls and Uber and hops in the Uber. Now it's the next day and he meats Larrey at there place AKA McDonald's. Larrey said hay Nick said hey back and they hug. And then Nick said we should talk about yesterday then Larrey said what about yesterday nothing happened so there's nothing to talk about. Then Nick said oh-ok then I'm just going to leave Then Larrey said ok hey you wanna come to a party with me tomorrow. Nick said sounds fun I'll make and appreciate were's it at? Larrey said Madison house Then he said ok. Later that night. Oh hay you make it Larrey said. Ya I did, then looks over and sees Madison on a keg and runs over ro Matt and said, isn't  she pregnant the. Matt said ya but the doctor said she could have beer but only for one month then Nick said well isn't that a lot of beer. He said I don't know. Then Nick walks back over to Larrey and said well hopefully he doesn't get to disappointed. Then Larrey said ya and he said he wanted to talk. Then Larrey leads him it a room and sits him down on the bed. About early today nicks stops about what nothing happend so thers nothing to talk about. Then Larry's said well played. Looking into eachothers eyes again slowly moving closer this time they are actually kiss and then nick pulls away gently and smiles and kissed him back then what happened next you can imagine.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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