Final Wish

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Levi knew what Hange was doing, and he wasn't going to stop her from what she felt was necessary. He knew this was their last conversation and he was trying his best to keep his captain-like composure.

"You understand. It's finally here, you know? It's my turn..." she was looking towards all the titans that seemed to gradually get closer, reminding them of their limited time.

Levi's fist went against her chest as a solute, "dedicate your heart" he stated while staring away from her, standing stiff as his vision fogs.

"Never thought you'd say that huh! Hey, can you promise me something?"

He looked over to her dedicated to fulfill her final wish. She smiled at him.

"Marry her will ya?"

At this Levi's eyes widened but he didn't dare to speak till she was finished.

"I've seen the way you've looked at her all these years, I wouldn't be asking this if it wasn't so obvious you love her."

He just gazes at her in shock that this is her final request. Hange sees this and just smiles before giggling.

"She'd kill me if she figures out I told you this but... she feels exactly the same and has for years. Trust me I had to hear all of it!" Hange laughs at the memories.
Levi doesn't exactly know how to process all this new information but he's taking all her words in and her appearance one last time.

Her smile drops slightly as she looks down.
"When this is all over and if you two survive... please live happily together in peace and happiness..." she gazes at him as tears well up in her eyes. She places her hand on his shoulder and squeezes before saying, "you deserve a happy ending."

She flies off towards the rumbling titans crying at their greatness. When Levi gets onto the plane everyone figured out what happened and starts moaning and bawling at the loss of their commander and beloved friend.

Levi sits in the corner of the air craft holding his hand that touched her skin, rubbing it remembering their last conversation. He feels a hand engulf his before he looks up to see her.

The woman wasn't looking at him, rather staring straight ahead with tears down your rosy cheeks that he always imagined were as soft as silk. He gazes at her, and mentally promises to Hange to fulfill her wish, not just for her but for his the girl he secretly loved. He fully believes she deserved just as much as a happy ending as everyone else.

Two years later post war

"Levi honey!"

He looked up from his book and sets his tea down. The woman walked into view from the bathroom into their shared bedroom to show him the new sundress she recently bought.

"Does this look good on me, or should I change?"

He couldn't help but admire her porcelain skin and soak in your honey like voice, reserving it all to memory. He smiled as he moved his wheelchair to her figure who was looking into the mirror in their room. He wrapped his arms around her waist, rubbing her soft stomach with his fingers.

"Everything looks good on you love. In fact, you put outfits to shame with your looks. Better apologize." His soft smile turns into a smirk before giving your hips a squeeze. She chuckles at his comment before lightly slapping his hand away. He backs away enough so she could turn around and sit on his good leg. His lover traces his features that have soften over the years and travel down his neck to his chest then stomach. His once solid chest and core have become soft to the touch from the lack of ruthless over use.

His body has gained some healthy weight while still being lean. His once dark and sunken under eyes have evened out and his scar covered face even seems to glow compared to the past. He looks incredibly happy and healthy all thanks to his love, Gabi, and Falco brightening up his days.

She lifts her hand to trace his scars and cup his face to give him a light kiss. However he holds her there and deepens the kiss to a more passionate one before he lets go.

"Someone's in a good mood?"
The woman eyes him suspiciously before kissing his cheek. Levi only laughs before wheeling them both to the front door. She gently gets off and jokingly brushes off his leg teasing his cleanliness behavior.

They stroll past town and towards an opened field filled with tulips. At this he abandones his wheelchair and sets up his cane. The girl helped him to his feet.

"Levi you still haven't told me what we're doing here?" He smiled gently before hobbling towards the tree that wasn't far ahead. The sun was beginning to set as the couple headed toward s the large willow tree going underneath the branches. She guides him towards the trunk holding his waist to keep him stable before he stops and faces her. The crickets have begun to chirp as fire flies covered the branches of the weeping willow tree. The woman gasped at her surroundings and the beauty of nature. Her eyes shinning at the scenery as she let a pure innocent look come upon her face. One that Levi has rarely seen but wishes to see more of since they can live in peace now.

"Do you recognize this tree, love?" He questions and she doesn't think twice before answering.

"Of course I do, this is where you asked if you could be my boyfriend." She giggled at the beautiful moment. He breathlessly laughed before pulling her close to him.

"I know I'm not quite the same man I was before and I'm no longer humanity's strongest soldier. However I know from your constant reassurance that it doesn't matter. But I still feel unworthy of the peaceful life we have now but I'll be a dammed man if I take advantage of this. So.... I have never loved a person so much in my life. You've never left my side as soon as you stepped into my life and..."

At this the girl starts tearing up already getting a feeling where this was going and she had to stop herself from interrupting his speech knowing expressing his feelings were difficult for him.

"... you are the most beautiful, loving, and just downright purest soul I have ever met in all my years. Despite knowing you in war, I still fell for you, it was inevitable. I know I was harsh to you and often cold, and I'm trying to make up all those years of pushing you away for your safety, but that's impossible because you're a persistent and stubborn brat." He jokingly sighed and the girl laughed at his old nickname he used for her loving that his old self came out for a moment. Tears were already spilling from her eyes and he avoided her gaze so he could finish speaking until now. And the dam broke. His eyes welled up at the beautiful sight before him.

He took a deep breath and put all his weight on his cane and slowly bent down to one knee and she covered her mouth covering a hiccup. He pulled out a black velvet box and revealed a gold emerald ring that's reflected the fireflies around them. She spared no glance at the ring and practically pounced on him, minding the ring.

"YES YES YES YES OH MY GOSH YES LEVI!" She cried as she threw both of them to the ground and kissed all over his face.
He could only laugh and hug her back letting his own tears fall. He looked up at the branches to see the wind had made all the fireflies fly away as the clouds parted letting the moonlight seep past the leaves.

Levi smiled and whispered into the woman's hair, "I finally did it."

I did it Hange, I hope you're proud of me for doing it, four eyes.

AN: Sorry for any errors and the switch from past and present tense. I wrote this quickly because I really needed a soft post war Levi story 😭 hope you guys liked it!

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