窝呃严伟西安德塔 第12集: 严星呈自曝真实身份

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Yan Xing Cheng Reveals His True Identity
~ Tang Lin's investigation found that Shen Man Ning was allergic to mangos. Tang Lin deliberately angered Shen Man Ning and asked her to eat mango bibimbap. At the same time, Yan Xing Cheng received a phone call from Yuan Shuai and learned that Zhuang Xin Yan's death record had been taken away by Tang Lin's people. Shen Man Ning was seriously unconscious on the stairs. Fortunately, Yan Xing Cheng hid it from everyone and urged her to vomit and calm down, so that Shen Man Ning survived the crisis safely. Shen Man Ning also took the risk of keeping his identity secret, which made Yan Xing Cheng extremely moved.

However, Yan Xing Cheng knew that this matter could no longer be concealed. In order to stop Shen Man Ning in danger, he decided to push forward the plan and ask Tang Lin to meet. Tang Lin guessed Yan Xing Cheng's intention and designed Shen Man Ning's father, Rao Mei Na's mother, Rao Mei Na and Shen Man Ning to meet. Unwitting Shen Man Ning misunderstood that the taxi driver was the person who kidnapped her in Italy. At a dangerous moment, she gave up her identity secret and rushed to protect her father. At this time, Yan Xing Cheng pulled away Shen Man Ning in time, resisted Tang Lin's step-by-step pressure and directly announced his true identity.

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