窝呃严伟西安德塔 第18集: 黑衣人再次出现

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The Man in Black Appears Again
~ The next day, after Shen Man Ning woke up, she found that Yan Xing Cheng had called her for more than 20 times. She hurriedly called him back and explained that she had actually drunk too much. Until now, Yan Xing Cheng proposed to date him. Shen Man Ning didn't find that there was a killer targeting her, but simply thought that because she drank too much yesterday, Yan Xing Cheng cared about him and secretly regretted his drunkenness. When he heard the man's appointment, he readily agreed. Through last night's incident, Yan Xing Cheng analysed that the other party's goal must be his mother's seal and his sister's car accident must also be related to this. The reason why the other party attacked Shen Man Ning must have suspected that the seal was in Shen Man Ning's hands.

In order to prevent the banker Jia Kai from attacking Shen Man Ning again, Xia Da Yong, let Fang Xiang want to continue to track down the exit records of the Zhuang family. Mei Na fell in love with Yuan Shuai, but Yuan Shuai was always cold to him. Fang Xiang thought to give her advice and help her pursue Yuan Shuai. When Yuan Shuai went to boxing, he asked Mei Na to follow with a boxing sleeve. But Yuan Shuai punched him, Mei Na closed her eyes and screamed and Yuan Shuai stopped her hand in time. In addition to boxing, Fang Xiang wanted Mei Na to ride a motorcycle to dress up coolly to attract Yuan Shuai, unexpectedly, Yuan Shuai was still indifferent. Yuan Shuai followed Dayong to the underground garage. Da Yong found someone following him. After entering the elevator, he suddenly turned back, Yuan Shuai was caught off guard.

Mei Na, who followed him, suddenly hugged him and pretended to be a couple. He successfully dispelled Da Yong's suspicion. After Da Yong left, Mei Na thought that Yuan Shuai would praise her, to the original commander, he viciously warned her not to follow him again. Shen Man Ning was dating Yan Xing Cheng. Mei Na suddenly called and cried and told her about her what had happened. Yan Xing Cheng smiled and asked Shen Man Ning to wait for a moment. She went out to call Fang Xiang and asked him to accompany Mei Na. Fang Xiang reported an important news to Yan Xing Cheng. When Lin Mu Fan went to find Zhuang Xin Yan, the banker Dai Yang, Zhuang Jia Kai's subordinate, had an exit record at that time and the place he went to happened to be the art college. In addition, when Tang Lin sent someone to an overseas hospital, Da Yang left the country again at that time. From this analysis, the banker Jia Kai may still have an unknown trump card. When Yan Xing Cheng came back after the phone call, he found that Shen Man Ning wasn't in his seat, so he hurriedly asked the waiter.

When he learned that Shen Man Ning had left with a man, he hurriedly called Shen Man Ning. At this time, Shen Man Ning took the phone and came over. Seeing that Yan Xing Cheng was so nervous, he couldn't Shen Man Ning told Yan Xing Cheng that it was Lao Lin who came to see her just now. He came to tell Shen Man Ning that the old chairman wanted to see her. Tang Lin invited Lin Mu Fan to drink. When Lin Mu Fan went to bring the glass, Tang Lin suddenly took the glass and reminded Lin Mu Fan with a smile. She didn't ask why she came to him and dared to drink this glass of wine. Lin Mu Fan listened and asked why. Tang Lin deliberately joked that she wanted him and saw that Lin Mu Fan wasn't scared. She was also very happy and then said her real purpose of finding Lin Mu Fan, knowing that Lin Mu Fan was going to open a design room, she decided to go all out to support him, not only to buy all his products, but also to help him win international awards. Yan Xing Cheng sent Shen Man Ning home.

As soon as they arrived at Shen Man Ning's door, a masked man ran out of Shen Man Ning's home. Shen Man Ning recognised the man, the person who kidnapped her abroad. Seeing that person drove away, Yan Xing Cheng told Shen Man Ning not to walk around, so he hurriedly drove after him alone. Shen Man Ning at a loss, Tang Lin happened to pass by from then on, let Shen Man Ning get into her car and chase her. Yan Xing Cheng chased the killer to a parking lot and saw that the killer threw a small box into a car, so he broke the car glass with his elbow and reached out to get the small box. At this time, the killer in the distance suddenly pressed the remote control. A car hanging in the air suddenly fell down. Shen Man Ning and Tang Lin behind Yan Xing Cheng were both I screamed loudly in horror.

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