Bryce x reader (Hurt/Comfort)

955 23 14

Requested by @apexcyporlover

-Y/N works as a barman at the bar where Bryce goes after his work
-Genderneutral Y/N
-Updates after this oneshot will be rlly slow because i have to focus on school :p

/!\ This oneshot contains many implications of alcohol addiction, i know it's not "too sensitive" of a subject but i'd rather leave a warning /!\

704 words!


(Also i'm using Y/N and not O/N here because in the One universe, they have human names.)


The usual clinking of glasses and happy chatter between clients was briefly interrupted by the door opening.
A familiar face walked through and took a seat at the bar.

"Good evening Bryce! Same as usual?"

"Yeah, please Y/N."

Y/N reached for the same bottle of liquor under the counter, throwing a worried glance at the usual client.

"...You come really often. I mean, i'm not complaining, more money for us and all... but you drink a lot. I'm worried for your health."

"That's my business Y/N."


Y/N reluctantly poured a small glass of liquor, putting less than usual out of concern and pushed it towards the soda bottle.

He stared at his reflection in the liquid for a few seconds, pondering what Y/N just said.
Sure, his health was important, but drinking made him forget. Forget Airy, forget Liam, forget The Plane...

Bryce wished he could tell someone about that, someone who would believe him, who wouldn't tell him he's crazy.

Y/N stared at Bryce with worry.

"You're not drinking it?"

"Forget the alcohol Y/N. I really need to talk."

Y/N perked up. Bryce was "just a client", but they weren't heartless. They leaned against the counter towards Bryce to listen.

"...Don't call me crazy, okay? I-i know what i saw. I just..."

"Take your time."


Bryce turned his gaze away from Y/N and to his untouched glass of liquor. His reflection stared at him, as if pressuring him to hurry up and spit out what he had to say.

"I don't even know how to explain it without sounding like i'm insane, Y/N."

"You're sober, i think i can believe you."

Bryce laughed slightly. He wanted to be amused, but all he felt was dread at Y/N's future reaction.

"Okay, well. One day, some guy with a voice deeper than the mariana trench teleported us to an isolated planet and made us do challenges for a wish, he took away our names and named us after our objects. It's like if i called you O/N instead of Y/N! We could die and he'd resurrect us- I made friends with a backpack and a candle and then i was eliminated along with the backpack, his name's Liam by the way- and-"

Bryce's speech was getting slurred and incoherent from how quickly he was trying to speak. Y/N placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Okay, slow down. Let's resume this conversation when my shift is over, there's only..."

Y/N glanced at the clock above the door.

"...half an hour left."

Bryce sighed and agreed. The half hour felt endless, Y/N went over to help some other clients while Bryce sat there, his glass of alcohol still untouched.

Bryce must've zoned out for quite a while, as his thoughts were interrupted by Y/N's hand on his shoulder.

"I'm done. Let's sit and talk, alright?"

Y/N sat next to Bryce at the bar.
Bryce explained everything thoroughly.
Airy, the eliminations, the challenges, the Plane, Liam and Scenty, Stone and the blue sticky notes, the radio...

Y/N listened intently. They were aware this was far too detailed to possibly be made up. When Bryce was done, all they could say was.

"Woah. I-i can understand why you'd want to drown in alcohol now. I'm really sorry."

"Don't be. I appreciate your worry."

"Hey, we have drinks with no alcohol, you know? Next time you come, would you like to try one? I promise it tastes better than whatever beer or wine or whatever."

"Hey, why not?"

Bryce smiled tenderly at them. Y/N made him forget all about the plane better than alcohol ever could.


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