Sodapop Curtis

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One day I was driving my car back from work. All of a sudden my car starts making weird noises and I know nothing about cars I look ahead of me and see a gas station over there and I quickly pull into the gas station before my can gets worse. I get out and see a tall lean guy and a real cute guy who looks like he could be a movie star, I've seen him around school but I don't see him much anymore.

I walk up to the two boys "Hi, Sorry but my car is making some weird noises, I am not an expert and I don't know what it is" I say and the tall lean guy looks up at me and smiles "Hey there little lady, No problem at all I will get right to it" I smile and nod "Thank you" The other boy who looked like a movie star looked at me and smiled "He will get your car started in no time" I smile as I look at him "Sounds good, I got nothing important to be anyways" I say and I look back up at him

"Wait are you Sodapop Curtis?" I ask him and he smiles and nods "Yep, The only person ever named that" I giggle "I like it it's a nice unique name" I say and he looks at me "Wait are you Y/n?" I nod "The one and only" He laughs "I remember seeing you in school before" He says and I look at him "How come I don't see you in school any more? If you don't mind me asking" I say and he rubs the back of his neck "Oh I am a dropout.."

"Sorry for bringing that up" I say a bit embarrassed and he smiles and looks back up at me "No need to be" I smile and we talk for another 20 minuets and Steve comes "Your car is all fixed" He says and I turn to him and smile "Thank you so much" I give him 25 bucks and he looks at me and gives me back the change "It's all right keep the change" I say and he gives me a toothy grin and leaves and Soda turns to me and gives me some paper 

"This is my number, We can hang out some time go to a drag race or something" I take the paper and put it in my pocket "Sounds great I will call you later, Bye" I say and he waves and I smile and wave back before getting into my car and driving home.

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