My next door neighbor(s)! chap 1

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Okay so this is my very first fanfic EVER, so please try not to be so brutal

Thank you


Idk how to really copyright so just use integrity and don't use my story.


"Lila! If you don't get your arse down here this instant I'm gonna throw you off the roof and laugh as you fall!"

Jesus harsh much mom?

"Coming give me a sec, omg it's them! One freaken Direction!"



Okay so your probably thinking WTF man uhh your so WEIRD. Well, you are all right but I have my reasons. ONE FLIPPING direction is on the damn TV! Oh my god they are all so hot but me being me and my ridiculous 17 year old self , wwweeellll all I can do is dream fan girl and pray to the Lord on high that Harry Styles will come bursting through my door and proclaim his undying love for me. But sadly the "thing" that came bursting through my door was my idiot twin brother Kenyon or as I like to call him "Ken Barbies girlfriend" Ha! He wishes.

"What in the Wanted's name do you want!"

Hehe see what I did their? Wanted, want?

Yes?....... No?

Okay ignore me.

"Moms throwing a tantrum get your ugly butt up off that bed and get down their and calm her the beaver dam down!"

"Did you just call me ugly? Um earth to idiot we are twins, we look alike? Or do you not understand that concept because you are just to flabbergasted of my good looks, actually when i think about it, your right, we look nothing alike! I'm the HOTTER ONE"

"I swear when our embryo split you were a total accident and I got the brain AND the good looks" i mumbled

I got up and walked over to my door, " Out of my room dork" I seethed at him.

" Alright don't shit an egg I'm going" and at that he stalked off down the hallway.

I trotted down the stairs with my strawberry curls bouncing and my blue eyes scanning the quite large flat for my mother. I'm guessing she's in the kitchen attempting to poison us with her cooking

The woman can burn water. "WATER" I tell you, one minute it's in the pot then the next minute it's turned into evaporation and is floating around our house!

Sure enough she's in he kitchen "cooking".

" Mom?"

She turned around and I cringed at her face. My mother is the sweetest person you will ever meet I've only ever seen her this angry twice. The first when dad left us for a total slut, and second when she found out Kenyon and I snuck out and went to a party only for our underaged asses to get totally smashed and arrested for breaking into someone's house.

Honestly, we were only borrowing the TV and the food! We were gonna leave some money!

Her eyes had a red rim around them and her gaze was cold and hard, her dress was crumpled and stained. She had the same curly red hair and blue eyes as Ken and I. Thank you mom for your looks if I looked even remotely like dad I would shoot my self.

" Go next door right down and tell those new twats that we have to call neighbors to shut up or I'm gonna drag there sorry asses down the the police station and press SOME DAMN CHARGES"!

After she said that I just now realized the pounding music and screams and shouts coming from next door.

I scrambled out of the kitchen to get away from her before she brings down the wrath of the Titans upon my somewhat innocent head.

I opened the front door prepared myself to come face to face with some idiots that were drunk and probably naked from "things" happening.

But little did I know that in the next few minutes something would happen that would change my life forever.


Dun dun ddduuuuunnn

Ooohhh what do Do ya think will happen next?

I know nothing really interesting in this chapter happened, sorry but the next ones will be better and this is my VERY FIRST FANFIC!

All hail the magical unicorn named Steve.

I know I'm random deal with it.................... I WOKE UP AND MUMMY GAVE ME SOME M&M's for breakfast!!!!!!!!!!! sorry thats why I'm writing such odd things because Lacy + Chocolate equals not good things I repeat NOT GOOD THINGS!

I also dedicate this to my friend Innocence sorry you may not know her name you could be a stalker. And innocence is her quotive name(I thinks that's how you spell it?)

Ssssooooo yeah since that's ov........

OMG I found the mother load! I am writing this on my iPad while raitding our cupboards and I found THE biggest stash of Chips and M&M's. silly mother I can smell chocolate at a 10 mile radius. Ooohhh the chocolatey goodness is chanting my name. I think I'm going cra cra, ah oh well.

Warning: This story will be written from my personal likes and dislikes also the character shall have my odd traits. So if oddness is not your forte then I must ask you to leave the premises and all further questions shall be answerd.

Okay 2 more things then I'm done could someone do me a huge favor and tell me what people mean when they say to vote? Is there like a contest or something going on? I know i'm super naive but that's how I roll in America.

And the last thing is we just moved and we live in da middle of da woods and the wifi thingy majiggy poles don't come out to our house and we aren't getting wifi until this summer with a dish so it will be really slow. So I'm SUPER super sorry if I don't update right away ill try my best to go into town and get to the library this summer but for now I'm cheating and using the school wifi until further arrangements have been put into action.

Sorry for the swearing it adds comic relief to the story. Hey look at me I actually payed attention in reading class to remember that!

Goodbye my children, I Here the theme song of my people.





Sherlock is a sexy beast omg Kam I hate you for my new obsession!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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