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"Honey,calm down.It will only make things worse if you're angry" Remus,my husband,tried to reason.

Oh,I wasn't angry.I was furious.

I was storming through the corridors of Hogwarts on my way to Dumbledore's office.

"Sherbert Lemon" I said as we reached the Griffin.

The Griffin slid aside,revealing the staircase that led to the office.

"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore,you have exactly half a minute to tell me where Harry is before I blast you into oblivion" I seethed as I reached the top of the staircase and stormed in to the office.

Remus put his hand on my shoulder.

"You don't have to threaten him,Vix.You're already scary enough without sticking your wand in his face.Why don't you try asking nicely this time? And if he doesn't cooperate after that,then you can blast him into oblivion,okay?" He said.

"Okay.Albus,can you please tell me where my nephew is before I blast you into oblivion?" I asked.

"Ah,Miss Potter! It's been a while.You look well" The headmaster smiled.

After a few deep breaths,I was back to my calm self.

"Thank you,and it's Lupin now" I smiled holding up my hand to show him my ring.

"Well then,it's been longer than I thought" he sighed.

"Stop avoiding the question,where's Harry?" I asked.

"He lives with his aunt and uncle in Privet Drive" he answered.

"I'm sorry,what?" Remus questioned.

"You sent my nephew to live with those terrible people? Have you met them? 'Cause I have and I'm still traumatised 12 years later" I stated.

"Mrs.Lupin,If you want to go get him,I won't stop you" Albus smiled.

I squealed,hugged Remus really tight,and bolted out of the office.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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