snapes Pov: on the train first year

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hi, my name is Severus snape and I am getting ready to get on the train to go to Hogwarts. I am really hoping that it will be better than my home life. If you're wondering my homelife isn't the best my dad is a drunk and he hits me, but my mom always helps me and is there for me.

 My mom and dad always argue but my now I'm used to. Even though I don't have the best home life I am still grateful for what I have.

I have a best friend name Lilly evens she is very pretty. She is a muggle, but I don't mind. she is always there for me when my parents argue.

                                  TIME SKIP WHEN IM ON THE TRAIN: SNAPES POV

I AM ON THE TRAIN WITH MY BESTFRIEND LILLY.LILLY IS LAYING HER HEAD ON MY SHOULDER AND I LET HER SINCE SHES MY BESTFRIEND. ''Lilly what house do you think you're going to be in" I ask Lilly and she responds with ''I don't know what house you think I'm going to be in sev''.

 I think for a second before I respond with "I think you would be a Gryffindor". Lilly smiled and I smile back at her and then lily asked me what house I want to be in.

   I think for a couple minutes, and I think I want to be in Slytherin it won't be that bad right. I know Slytherins are hated by others houses so I don't know if I should tell Lilly that. I don't want to lie I hate lying.

 I mumble Slytherin and Lilly heard me and smiles and says'' I was hoping you would say Gryffindor so we can be in the same house sev but there's nothing wrong with Slytherin''.

I smile and tell Lilly' 'we can still be best friends Lilly''. Lilly was smiling and said' 'of course sev best Friends forever I pinky promise' '. Me and lily do a pinkie promise and I know it's a muggle thing for an unbreakable vow.

 an unbreakable vow is more promising since if you break it you die. Lilly lifts her head of my shoulder and I think we will be getting there in 2 more hours me, and Lilly are both sleepy.

I decide I should change into my uniform and Lilly does the and Lilly we don't mind changing Infront of each other. After Lilly and me are done changing we lay down and cuddle together. I don't mind it because Shes my best friend and I see her like a sister. 

WE sleep the rest of the train ride. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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