glory box

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" Give me a reason to love you. Give me a reason to be a woman. "

"Here's my phone, call Maria, the earpeices have disconnected from her," Athene pulled her phone out of it's holder also strapped on her thigh, "I'm going to stash the case in the lounge, I'll find you later."

Ladybug nodded, dialling Maria's number as Athene went back to the first class lounge, she hid the case in an empty bin. She looked at The Wolf who had slumped over, she shook her head, not knowing how Ladybug couldn't recognise who he was, but also wondering what revenge he was looking for.

As she left the lounge, she walked through the first class carriages, seeing the same man from earlier stood by the door on his phone, texting frantically.

"Sorry, I just need to." Athene said politely to the man, pointing to the door behind him as he quickly looked up from his phone.

"Oh, yeah, sorry love. I'm going the same way anyway." He smiled at her, Athene gave him a small laugh as they started walking down the carriages.

"You from the UK?" He asked, noticing her English accent.

"Yeah, just north of London." Athene smiled.

"I'm West London." Tangerine held his hand to his chest, stopping in one of the dividers of the carriages.

"So what brings you to Japan, West?" Athene asked as she folded her arms and leaned her shoulder against the wall next her. Tangerine placed his hand on that same wall, the two standing close to each other.

"Work trip, what about you..."

"Athene." Tangerine nodded smiling, "Just a little holiday." She shrugged.

"On your own?" Tangerine asked, he knew she was with that scruffy looking man, but he wanted to know what the deal with them two was.

"No, I'm with a friend." She shook her head. Tangerine nodded, glad that it wasn't a boyfriend.

"So, where's your stop?" Tangerine asked.

Athene shrugged, "Wherever I want." She grinned up at him, who held a smirk.

"I'm stopping at Kyoto." He said, Athene nodding.

"Well, maybe I'll stop there," She winked as she stopped leaning on the wall, "I'll see you 'round the train, West." She said before walking to another carriage, hearing Ladybug in her ear telling her where he was.

She quickly reached him and he started making a blocks o the door couldn't open.

"The twins from Bolivia, you know them, right?" He began.


"Well, they're crazy and on this train so be careful because they're definitely doing a job here." Athene nodded as she watched him stack bags on top of each other in front of the door, "I'm like MacGyver."

"Shit!" Athene exclaimed, seeing a snake come out of one of the cage.

"Oh fuck this." Ladybug said, ushering Athene out and into another compartment.

"Conductor." She hissed at him, seeing the train conductor checking people's tickets further down the compartment, they took a seat quickly, but Ladybug quickly went to sit opposite a younger guy, they spoke quickly before they swapped coats and hats, and the guy was handed cash by Ladybug.

She looked at him confused as he sat back down next to her, "To throw the twins off, they know what I look like."

She nodded as he attention was diverted to who she knew as Liverpool coming into the carriage, she watched as he went to the guy who swapped clothes with Ladybug, but realised it wasn't him. That's when she realised that it was him who was one of the twins.

Firecrackers then went off as Ladybug grabbed Athene's arms, the two running out of the carriage and into another, escaping one of the twin's.

"Let's split up, they know what you look like, but not what I look like, we can't risk them finding that out." Athene said.

"Good idea, I'm going to hide in a bathroom." Ladybug nodded.

"Okay, I'm going to go sit in his compartment, keep an eye on what they're doing. I might go check on the case, too." Athene said before the two spit off into different directions.

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