The New Kid

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Wendy's POV

I was waiting for my friend to get here again. How do you manage to be late most of the week without getting in trouble?! Anne that's who. Just then someone runs over to me. It was my gay best friend Milo? He's not even in this class?!

Milo: "Hey best friend!"

Wendy: "Milo what the hell are you doing here? You know this is homeroom right?"

Milo: "I know what period it is, but that's not why I'm here."

Wendy: "Well then, why are you here?"

Milo: "There's a new kid in your class and I wanna see if they're a guy!"

Wendy: "Of course you do, gayass"

Milo: "You can't even say anything with that girlfriend of yours!"

Wendy: "Girlfriend..? ANNE?! WE'RE JUST FRIENDS!!"

Milo: "Sweetie, you're in denial. Even if you guys aren't dating you're still at least a little fruity"

Wendy: "You know wha-"

Mrs. Lilac: "Ok class settle down! I know you're all excited about..Milo? You're not in my homeroom."

Milo: "Hi Mrs. L! I'm just here to see the new kid"

Mrs. Lilac: "Well, as long as you're not disrupting class you can stay. Anyway, the new student is still in the office right now so class will be delayed just a tiny bit."

Just my luck! I really hate this class, subject wise. I could never be a scientist! The world would blow up! -I laughed to myself- After maybe 15 minutes, the vice principal walked in with the new kid. I looked at him, analyzing every detail of him. The new kid had messy dark brown hair with even darker roots. His eyes were a nice purple and he had basically perfect teeth. Even Milo's teeth weren't that perfect! He was wearing a black t-shirt with a shark on it, and he wore blue shorts with red sneakers. He also had black fingerless gloves. I think after a while he noticed me looking at him and directed his eyes away from me. So much for a good impression..

VP Jake: "Good morning students. As you all have probably heard, we have a new student." -his hand gestured at the teen behind him- "Go introduce yourself."

???: -He walked into the middle of the classroom-

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