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~ Scaramouche POV ~
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I sat alone in the bathroom, I didn't feel like talking to anyone today.

Okay yes, so maybe that sounded like some off-brand teenager movie shit, it's true.

Well, I guess not anyone, but I didn't want to talk to Heizou. I want to talk to Kazuha, but Heizou scares the shit out of me. So this is where I ended up, sitting alone on the bathroom stall floor, browsing on my phone.

Only a few minutes after I arrived at the bathroom and got situated on the floor, I started to hear voices nearing the male restroom doors. Well shit. I wasn't anticipating anyone coming to the bathrooms, since this isn't the lunch bathroom. Guess I was wrong.

As the voice started to get closer, I sensed familiarity in the tones.

Wait. Kazuha? That's the last person I want to see right now, because I already know he'll drag me to the lunchrooms with him.

Something in me can't ignore the fact that he's in here with someone else. It's odd, but my stomach dropped whenever I realized that Kazuha's voice was accompanied by another, higher pitched voice.

I sighed, starting to stand up. It seemed my body didn't want to listen to my brain, as it commanded my hands to slowly start to open the door.

I'm not sure what happened next, it feels as if it's all a blur, but I am now sitting with Kazuha and his three friend group.

Though I'm sitting in silence, I'm slightly glad that I'm the only one sitting next to Kazuha. I don't really care, so I'm not quite sure why I'm happy.

"What school did you go to before coming here?" Scaramouche was shook out of thoughts by the questioning voice of Venti.

"I did online schooling, but I came from a boarding school in junior high." I replied. I wasn't going to add the part of my junior high before the boarding school, because I definitely didn't want them knowing I went to Heizou's school. Even if Kazuha knew, I didn't feel like letting the others know.

"Hm." Xiao responded, which was a bit surprising considering the topic was focused around me. Xiao didn't really talk much, and plus he didn't really seem to like me either.

"That reminds me, Childe said he went to your junior high, so you must've been in one before boarding school, which one did you go to?" Kazuha added on a question to our conversation. Well shit. Fuck you, Ajax. I hope you go die you stupid fuck. Guess I'll have to tell them anyways. Maybe they won't know what junior high Heizou went to..?

"Ehm... Inazuma Junior High..." I replied, but regretted instantly when I noticed Venti's eyes sparkling with interest. Fuck. He must know that Heizou went there too.

"Oh hey, that's the school Heizou went to!" Venti said, seeming a bit surprised. Heizou nodded in response, smiling. I've noticed it, but Heizou seemed oddly quiet. It made my stomach hurl. What was he planning..?

God, I wish Heizou would just leave this table and go get killed. Okay, maybe that's a little too malicious, but I really wish he didn't go to this school. I guess it's no surprise, since he did go to my middle school. But shit, why did mother have to sign me up here of all places?! I could've gone anywhere else. But I guess it makes sense, because this is one of the top private schools around. She wouldn't want her only son to be striding around somewhere poor. I obviously didn't mind where I went, but her reputation sure did.

"Does that mean the two of you went to school with the annoying ginger over there?" Xiao asked, I didn't think he'd join in the conversation with more than affirmative sounds, but I guess he's making full sentences now.

"Yeah, I think Scaramouche was best friends with him, actually." Heizou remarked. Well shit, Heizou just loved to reveal things about me I didn't want getting out. I would reveal something about him, but the only thing I know about him is that day. But just thinking about makes me want to puke. Also, I doubt they believe me, and there's no way I could mention it.

"Really?! Scaramouche was friends with someone like that? I would've thought Scaramouche liked a quieter crowd." Venti blurted. He seemed to think it was a bit odd that I was friends with Childe, but I'm not surprised. I myself think it's odd that I'm friends with Childe, he's as irritating as hell.

"You know Ajax, Xiao?" Kazuha asked, his voice genuinely curious. I like Kazuha's voice, unlike the others, his voice is soft. And I mean that in a friend kind of way, because I am definitely not gay.

"He is in my 5th period. He's infuriating." Xiao said, looking pretty annoyed. At least Xiao doesn't think I'm as bad as Childe, because he doesn't seemed to be that annoyed at me. I don't think he trusts me much, but at least he isn't peeved by me.

"Honestly, I can agree with Xiao." I added to Xiao's statement. I wanted to make sure no one thought I was still friends with Childe. I don't want what happened in junior high to happen now. My behavior led to that event, and I'm not going to let it lead to it again. Not in a hundred years.

"Then why were you friends with him?" Heizou asked, looking curious. Me and him both know that emotion is fake. Fuck, he's really trying to make me look bad today.

"I'm not quite sure myself." I pulled a fake, dry chuckle after my sentence, though I'm sure the entire table knew it was fake. At least, no one tried to question me, which I'm grateful for.

"I remember the two of you being quite the troublemakers." Heizou laughed, and Venti's interest seemed to be peeked once more. Xiao looked uninterested, but Kazuha... why the fuck does he look like he already knows this?! Did Heizou tell him what I did?! Shit, shit, shit, shit..

"Really? I didn't think Scaramouche would be the type, even if he seems a bit sarcastic." Venti replied in a voice of somewhat surprise. Well shit, I guess Heizou has plans to try to expose me again. That fucking bastard.

"Ah, but I'm sure he's grown since then." Heizou said, laughing it off. I guess Heizou wasn't planning to do anything yet, but it still hurt my stomach to think of what he could do.

"He definitely has, Heizou. Does he seem like he's bullied anyone yet this year?" Kazuha defended me, which I wasn't expecting. Most people would stay away at the slight mention of bullying, to not get caught up in it. I really am grateful for Kazuha, though we've only known each other for a few days.


Words: 1155

Finished! I finally finished this chapter, but I guess it's not too late. I somehow had a rush of motivation, and got the entire chapter done in one day. I'm glad I finished it, though. I might not upload another chapter for a couple days, since I'm planning on making a new chapter for my other fic, which only updates every week or 2. We'll see though, because I might wait till later. Anyways, happy new years! (Or eve depending on where you live.) ψ(`∇')ψ

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