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Third person pov

"I know what to do mom, I'll take care of it, you don't worry, I want to show what will happen if anyone touch our family, and after this everyone will tremble to even look at Leo's eyes." Jimin said in his dark voice, he looked at the four poor souls who is still standing there with their heads hanging low.

Jimin walked to them and said.

"Listen here!!"

Four of them looked at the omega with fearful eyes, even though they are all alphas but now jimin is too scary to even look at, always a monster will be lying beneath the beauty right?.

"Tell me what exactly happened in the spot without leaving a single part" jimin said sternly.

"Mr. Park, we were on the way to our construction site, as usual Ms. Park didn't take any driver. Ms. Park's car was going in front us only but all of a sudden a truck from somewhere hitted her car and driven off quickly its all happened in the blink of second. Sorry Mr. P-park" the secretary said trembling. Leora doesn't like to have any driver, always she would drive herself, she doesn't like to have anyone in her car except her family.

"Did you guys see the truck's number?"

"N-no Mr. Park, we didn't expect it to happen and after that we were only concerned about Ms. Park so w-we d-didn't see that number"

"Shit!" Jimin ruffled his hair in frustration.

"Okay, you all go to the accident spot and check for cameras, atleast a single camera would be there, I'm sure of it because it's a public place. Ask for the footage from the respective management and check the number plate of the truck. After getting the truck's number find the truck's owner or if it is rented truck then check the driver list of whole korea, if anything matches then immediately collect information about that person and tie him in our forest's mansion basement, if not! Tell me I will tell what to do further. I want the details within a hour and If I don't get all these details in an hour, you won't be alive the next minute. "  Jimin said and they all nodded thier head and left the hospital immediately to do as per the omega's order.

Jimin sat beside melliva completely lost in the thoughts, his nostrils are flaring due to anger.

Time passes!

"Jimin where is jungkook?" Melliva asked triggering the sitting volcano to erupt,

Before jimin could answer the door of the operation theatre opened revealing the doctor.

The duo rushed to him,

"Doctor how is my daughter?" Melliva asked,

"Mrs. Park, the operation was successful, Ms. park is no longer in danger, her body reacted positively to the operation and now she is all fine nothing to worry and she will gain her conscious in few hours after that you can meet her" doctor said finally the duo who was holding their breathe, breathed out in relief.

"Thank you doctor"

"Please don't thank me, it's you who arranged the blood on time and because of that only now Ms. Park is alive" doctor and melliva nodded, he then left the place.

Suddenly Jimin's phone rang, he immediately attended when he saw who is it,

"Hello did you find who it is?"

"Yes Mr. Park, we tied him in your forest mansion"

"Good job, I'm on my way" jimin disconnected the call and looked at his mother who is also staring at him.

"Mom, they found out the culprit who did this accident, as we thought it's a planned attempt murder so I'm leaving"

"Jimin it not safe for you to go alone, wait I will tell our men to accompany you"

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