‎‧₊˚✧ 2. Lukas ✧˚₊‧

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Annika Volkov may be the most pretty girl I have ever seen in my entire life. And also the girl with the most attitude - and I think that this is really hot. But her father, Alex, is not really the man to let his daughter date someone. Personally, I want to punch him for keeping his daughter under his grip. I love her and want nothing more than to be with her, but I can't. Just because her and my father have an argument about something stupid and they both act like some kind of little children.
I look at my phone and see a text from Annika. Immediately, my whole face lights up, and I open the message.

"Hey Lukas, wanna meet up today after school or something?🤍"

A big smile crosses my face, and I feel happy. The heart at the message makes the butterflies in my stomach fly around like crazy. I immediately texted back.

"Hey. Yes, of course we can. After school at my place or yours?"

I click send, and some moments later, she replies.

"I'd be rather at your place, to he honest, because my dad is home today, and it wouldn't be the best if he'd see it.."

"Yeah, right.. then my place. I'll pick you up after biology, then?"

"Ok, that sounds good to me. See you then, after biology. I can't wait, Lou🤍"

The nickname, in combination with the white heart, makes my heart race like hell. I smile at my phone and turn it off after some minutes. I do down into the kitchen to make myself some breakfast.

"Hey, how did you sleep?" My mother's voice rings in my ears.
"Good, and you?" I answer, trying to hide my smile, but she definitely saw it.
"What's got you smiling like that?" She asks, and her tone indicates that she already knows.
"I may or may not have a date today, directly after school."
"Really? With whom?"
"Annika Volkov." I reply while a small red tint crosses my face.
"I knew it." She grins and laughs a bit.
"Volkov? Seriously?" Dads voice also comes up, and he sounds annoyed.
"Yes, dad. Annika Volkov. And? Just because you and Alex have a problem with each other doesn't mean that i can't date his daughter!" I raise my voice.
"Don't raise your voice at me, son."
"Sorry.. but I can't help my feelings for her. Annika is really pretty, smart, and funny. I won't let your and Alex's differences get between me and Annika." I start to sound desperate and even sad.
"Fine, whatever." He clenches his fists and leaves the kitchen again.
"I'll go to school. See you in the evening, mom." I leave the kitchen as well and go to school.

I walk down the streets and with my backpack hanging on my shoulders. I take out my headphones and put them in, playing some music to distract myself from everything around me. My hands are in my hoodie pockets to avoid them getting cold. The sky looks dark, like it's gonna rain soon, so I quickly go into our school. I walk towards my classroom, but Annika isn't here yet. A small pout forms on my face, but I just quietly sit down and start to unpack my things. I keep my headphones in my ears to ignore my annoying class.

It's been 10 minutes since the lesson started, and Annika isn't here yet. I am ripped out of my thoughts as someone knocks on the door and enters the classroom. It's Annika, but she is soaked in water and has her backpack in front of her body to cover herself. Her shirt is white, so it would be embarrassing if she let her backpack go. I immediately stand up, taking off my hoodie. I stand in front of her and take her backpack while covering her body from the other students. I have my head up so I don't look at her. I hand her my hoodie and whisper.

"Here, take this princess. I won't let you get sick." A small hint of playfulness is evident in my tone.
"I- t-thank you." Her entire face goes red, and she stares at me with wide eyes.
"Come outside." I lead her outside of the classroom and close the door. Luckily, our teacher is understanding and just lets us do.
Outside of the classroom, I make sure that we are alone. I give her my hoodie and smile a bit.
"Thank you, Luc." She smiles and seems a bit embarrassed.
"You'll change, and I'll turn around, ok?" I make sure she understands that I don't mean to gawk at her. As I see her nod, I turn around and wait for her to change.
"Done." Annikas' voice is really quiet and innocent.
I turn back around and look at her. She looks really cute wearing my hoodie. I can't help but blush a bit.

We both go back inside and sit down at our places. Annika flashes me another thankful smile, and i smile back. The students whisper amongst each other. About Annika and me being a couple. I glare at them, and so does she.

The teacher continues to talk about some boring mathematics, and I just put my head down into my arms. All i can think about is Annika and her in my hoodie. God, she looks so fucking beautiful. I want to take her in my arms and hug her, never let her go and make sure that she is happy and feels safe and loved in my arms. I want to kiss every inch of her body, making her mine and mine alone. I can feel my body reacting to these thoughts, I groan quietly, and I press my backpack down into my lap. Annika looks at me, questioning. I flash her a small smile, not wanting her to see me in that state, especially not because she is the reason for this.

I just hope that she didn't see anything she shouldn't see. I can't pull my mind away from her and the thoughts I have about her. I can't help but wonder how her body would feel like against mine. God, how am I going to survive this day?

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