Finding Redamancy

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Harry looked at the howler, Its bright red envelope seemed to taunt him. In gold lettering, the gold lettering read:

To: Mr. H. Potter

From: The Ministry of Magic

Harry opened the letter with shaky hands.

"Dear Mr. H. Potter," a woman started, voice sweet as honey, although firm and orderly, similar to Umbridge.

"It has come to our attention that you have not found your life partner yet. We send this letter to remind you of the fact that August 16th is in 3 days. We highly recommend finding a partner before then, otherwise, we will take care of it for you. If we do not receive a response by tomorrow morning, we will send a list of 3 options to marry.


Margot Magpie,

Head of the Department of Marriage of the Ministry of Magic,"

Harry stared at the red envelope, trying to solve it. Why was the ministry so obsessed with people getting married anyway? It didn't matter. Harry picked up the envelope to make sure there wasn't anything else in it. There was. He grabbed the paper inside, carefully unfolding it. It was a document that reminded him of all the details attached to the marriage law. His mind raced at the thought of marriage. In neat font, the long paper read:


Any wizards, male or female, between the ages of 17 and 40 see themselves in the obligation to find a life partner before the AUGUST 16TH.

In a case where a sorcerer can't find a match by himself before the 16th of AUGUST, the Ministry of Magic will provide a list of three possible matches that are still available with a pre-calculated level of compatibility. The sorcerer can ask for a meet-up with their match if they wish. But once the list is out, they have to pick quickly between those three or they will have their life taken care of by the Ministry. (decret 6) Any complaints after the attribution of the list will be ignored.


The new couple can be either straight or homosexual but any other mating is refused.

The Ministry of Magic would like to remember anyone that had any doubts that a couple is composed of two singular beings, no more or less will be accepted.


Every couple must get a certificate of approval by the new department of marriage of the Ministry of Magic. To get the certificate the two members of the couple have to pass a test that will determine their level of compatibility. If the results are inconclusive, both of the members have to find a different mate. Each wizard is limited to three different tries at passing the Test. If the third try fails, the wizard will be assigned a mate by the Ministry of Magic.


After the obtention of the certificate, the new couple has obligations. If they fail to accomplish any of them, both of the wizards will see themselves be severely punished and amended. Here is the official list of obligations;

- The couple must share a living area.

- The couple must formalize their arrangement by the act of intercourse within three months after obtaining the certificate of approval.

- The couple must stay faithful to each other.


After a year of commune living and shared life, the couple has to face a decision. Two options are offered to them. Whether they decided to pursue their relation with an official matrimonial arrangement or to put a stop to it. If the second option is chosen, the couple must explain their choice to their intervenant. If the intervenant allows them to break their relation, both wizards must agree to have their life taken care of by the Ministry. (decret 6)

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