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all the boys are talking in the Slytherine common room, when sabrina walks in after her class just ended " hey boys whatcha doing" all the boys turn to look at her saying "hi and hello" greeting her. She sits down on the couch " so boys what are we talking about?" sabrina says with a curious look on her face suddenly draco speaks up cutting off anyone who was about to say anything " well darling if you must know we were going to plan a little common room party for later tonight and invite alot of people" he says hoping you would be intrested " well i guess i must come since the slytherine's are planning it and its is my common room after all". All the boys knowing pansy is already on board so that means it will be happening " im going to go out with regulus and blaise becuase we are going to need alot of red polo cups", the boys rush out the door excited to get set up for the party. draco,matheo,and tom get the drinks set up and they leave to go grab some more beer, that just leave you and theo becuase pansy hasn't got back from class yet. Theo asks if you could help him set up a game in one of the boys dorms to play later that night when everyone is super drunk. you agree and start writing down some truths and dares, once you finish you see pansy walking into the common room wondering where everybody is you yell to her "pansy im up here in regulus's dorm". Pansy quickly comes into regulus's dorm wondering whats going on But then remembers that there is a party going on tonight that the slytherin's are hosting. she quickly ask's what type of game this is sabrina isnt quite sure so she just looks at theo and he is forced to anwser " its a truth or dare game but adult edition for when people are super drunk and are feeling bored and horny. Sabrina's eyes widen hoping maybe she ould get to kiss theo later tonight, after awhile everyone comes back with everything they need for the party everybody in the common room help to set up and then you and pansy decide to go to other peoples common rooms saying that there is a party in the sytherine's common room later tonight!.. aew hours later alot of people start to show up when you and pansy decide to get another drink two boys approach you, its draco,and, matheo they are both extremely drunk draco grabs pansy and brings her up to draco's dorm and matheo wraps his hands around sabrina's waist. She starts to feel goost bumps all on her back while matheo stares into her eyes whike his hand tracing her spine, with his free hand he moves sabrina's hair behind her ear and leans in sabrina backs of and says " you know maybe we should play that truth or dare game now how about you go into regulu's room and sit down and afew people will start to come up and join you?". His eyes widen as you say that and he agrees annoyed that you rejected him, regulus,theo,and tom are sitting down on a couch drunk out of their mind's sabrina walks up to them and insists they go to regulus's room to start the truth or dare. The only thing left is to find blaise sabrina goes looking around and she find's him surrounded by 3 girls she pushe's through them and she grabs his hand leading him to regulu's room you push blaise into his room and go into the room right beside it grabbing pansy and draco who are making out on the bed you grab both of there hands and shove then into the bedroom and as you walk into regulus's room you lock the door behind you and everyone is sat down and now the games begin...

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