Forever the Dark Arts Boy

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"It's good to see you again," you – no, she, Isidora, says, glancing at Sebastian. "Dark Arts boy."

Sebastian bristles – at the tone, at the use of boy, or the fact that he's now and forever associated with the Unforgivable Curses, it could be all three. Her wand isn't out, and she hops off the last step into the cellar like she never left.

Ominis and Gibby don't lower their wands. Without his own, Sebastian feels utterly helpless.

"And you two... ah, yes," she says, after a moment of staring at them. "Ominis Gaunt and his wife."

"Gibby," Gibby corrects sharply. "I have a name too."

"And it's Fulton-Smyth," Ominis says, a low growl.

"Whichever names you prefer. Her friends. Interesting..." She directs this at Ominis, but doesn't elaborate. "Time is of the essence, and I have no quarrel with either of you."

But she does with me, Sebastian realises. Why?

"Then you'll let Missy go." Damn having no wand or magic, he steps in line with Ominis and Gibby. "We don't have quarrel with you either, Isidora." Yet.

Her eyebrows raise. "So you know. How astute of you. Then let's forgo the pleasantries. You can put those away." She gestures to their wands. "I would like to speak with Sebastian alone—"

"Absolutely not," says Ominis. "What did you do to the Aurors Hornigold and Yaxley?"

"You should thank me." She directs this at Sebastian. "I took care of them for you. And they're not dead, before you misconstrue my meaning."

Panic starts low in his core. Then what the hell did she do? Kidnapping? Imprisonment somewhere? He has no love lost for either of those arseholes – fuck, he'll happily admit to their faces that he loathes them – but he doesn't want them hurt on his account. Especially when one word from them could land him back in Azkaban.

"It should at least delay your Ministry from coming after you," she says, like this is some great favour she's done. "I won't ask again. Come alone, Sebastian."

"Or what?"

"Or your friends will suffer grave consequences."


Gibby's spell strikes her in the stomach, and she goes spiralling out of the basement. Ominis startles.


"Sebastian, run. Ominis and I have this," she says, fists clenched over her wand. "I just hate it when people talk about us like we're not here."

She hurries up the stairs – Ominis, after a brief second to say, "Do as she says," follows after her.

Sebastian scoffs. Like fuck he's running. You need him.

The duel is already in full motion by the time he takes the stairs three at a time. Isidora is at the archway that was once a door, deflecting every spell that Ominis and Gibby fire her way. She parries with ease, sending Blasting curses and Fire charms away, shaking the foundations of the ruins like tremors through the earth. Even two versus one she easily keeps up.

It's incredible and worrying. Because if she can easily juggle both their duellers...

She dodges Gibby's Flipping hex. "Depulso!"

The spell hits Ominis, and his back hits the stone with a sickening crack.

"No!" Gibby runs to him, throwing up a Shield charm in time for the next blow. "Ominis! Ominis, are you all right?"

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