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Author's Pov:

After a fews days.

The ceremony was finally over. Now it was time for both of them to go back to Korea.

Their finals for this year came closer. They needed to study for them. So they decided to return back to their country.

Soon it was time to leave. They bid good byes to their parents and went to catch their flights.

"Really... Time flies so quickly... Never thought I would have so much fun returning back to my home... It was all because I had you with me!"
Y/n said to Yoongi engulfing her hand in his.

He smiled and replied,
"Yeah! It was the best time of my life!"

We landed in Korea. The first he did when we landed was speak Korean to the taxi driver. I know he was almost fed up of speaking English everyday and hearing those Hindi words again and again, which he would never get...

But he learnt something in this time. One day when we went for some shopping, he bumped into a boy of his age who was talking on his phone without looking at the road. When he saw Yoongi was a foreigner, he smirked and said, "chini sale... Aakhe choti hai isliye dekh kar bhi nai chalenge" to him. I was about to reply but before I did, Yoongi replied,

"Kutte sale, dekh ke chalna. Andha hai kya!?" To that guy... I was literally so shocked about where and how he learnt that thing from!? I started to laugh at him. And till now whenever I think about that moment I burst out into laughter...

We reached our apartment.
"Ahh" heeft out a sigh after popping himself on the couch. I chuckled at him and was about to move in my room.

He held my wrist and pulled towards him. I fell on him with a shock. He smiled at me and hugged me tightly.

"Yoongi... I have to unpack. Leave me!"
"You can do it later. Now sleep with me"
"But I'm stinking"
"Don't worry. If it's you, I love it!"
"You're unbelievable!"
"Just for you!"

With that he got up and picked me up in bridal style and went in his room. He placed me on the bed and layed beside me. He held me closer and hugged me. Within no time we felt asleep.

Long time skip.
2 days later.

Today this morning when we met at the breakfast he somehow seemed a bit sad from usual. I thought maybe he's not feeling well so I asked him about it but he denied.
Even during the day in University he seemed lost in his world. He even got scoldings from many professors. I was worried about him. Even the rest boys tried to ask him so many times but he always denied.

It was our lunch time. We all friends gather in the cafeteria for lunch. But he was nowhere to be found. I wondered where could he be, when Hobi asked,

"Hey Y/nie, did you notice Yoongi this morning?"

"Yeah, I did. Why?"

"Don't you think something is off with him... He didn't even joined us for lunch... You should have asked him about it"

"Oppa... I did! I asked him many times but he always denied and behaved as if he never wanted to say anything about it... I'm worried for him too!"

"Oh... Then you should go to him once again... He might be alone at this time!" Jimin interferes.

"Hm... I don't know if he wants to talk"

"Atleast check it for once... He might talk to you if you both will be alone..." Dahyun suggested.
I nodded to her words.

"But where would I find him!?"

"Hyung's on the rooftop!" Jungkook replied while munching his burger. Jimin smacked his head and said,

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