The novel of US

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"Your beautiful eyes, magnificent hair, your perfect teeth, and great hands, oh your so wonderful!" I thought to myself, how could I have such a great boyfriend? He is more then I will ever be! Why did he agree to date and love me? What is it about me?

I don't get to see him much, but when I do it's magical! He calls almost every night and reminds me how important I am to everyone in the world. He is so great!

I wonder if he feels I am hurt, and he has to try hard. Why does he act the way he does? I wish he could answer everyone of my questions! All he says is he really likes me, but I guess that's enough.

Here is the story of US, a novel of my day to day life and my journey of becoming loved!


Alright here I go, I'm gonna text him!

Me: hey :) it's kee

Him: hey what's up?

Me: nothing much just thinking about you ;)

Him: haha okay! What r u thinking?

Me: how much I wish u were mine!

Him: haha well only time will tell what happens!

Me: we'll I hope it happens my way!!

Him: haha okay, brb gonna grab a snack!

Me: okay

I can't believe after weeks of flirting and crushing I finally started texting him! I wish he didn't have to grab a snack,haha, but he is a boy.

*bing bing*

Smiley: hey what's up:)

Me: hey just texting u know who!

Smiley: oh 😃 how is that going? Did u tell him u liked him?

Me: good I guess and no! Can u tell him?!?

Smiley: sure one sec

Me: give me details when it's over!

Smiley: k

It took like hours before smiley, responded! I had time to shower, eat, play outside and text other people, then she finally answers.

Smiley: he is being super stubborn

Me: what'd he say?!?

Smiley: he wanted to know why u didn't just tell him!

Me: fine, I will!

It took me a minute to even get the courage to text him I liked him, I thought he would react rude or be all mean!

Me: hey umm.. Obvious? ( my nickname for him!)

Him: yep?!?

Me: I really like you and I don't care if u don't like me your super cute!

Him: .....awkward

Me: I know but I really like you, just wanted you to know!

Him: we'll I think we're better off friends.............

Me: okay!

Inside though I was hurt! I wanted him to respond like, I kinda like you too. Instead he said only friends. I felt like I was gonna fall to pieces, why wouldn't he like me? Was it something about me?

Chapter 2

I guess falling for a person is easy but getting them to fall for you sucks. I only got to see him at swim practice and I usually got to tensed up to talk to him! Texting is so easy to express feelings, but talking face to face is really awkward.

Swim ended in a week, unless I made zones. There were three levels of competition; AA's (which were a certain time, but not to hard.) Zones (were pretty fast!) Nationals (which was insane speeds!) I got to AA's then I had a relay at zones.

I got to have another week at swim. My friend smiley, didn't get to go which was the negative about swimming! If u don't make the cut with that person, then there switched out😨.

Chapter 3

Obvious and I kept texting for weeks. It almost became a routine; school, text, eat, text, swim, text, dinner, then text good night! I began to like him even more as we texted and I always told him I did. He would just say "only friends"

On March 20th, 2013 he agreed to go out. It was like my world had took the weights off my shoulders and threw them out. I couldn't even text back I was so excited. I know it's only been 5 days but it has been great.

Two days ago he called and just

Asked me how I was and what's up. I told him he was so much more special then any other guy, because he took

his "boy time" to call me❤.

Chapter 4

After dating for 3 days, we had the swim banquet. I was nervous to see him, even though I was his girlfriend. I was just nervous to face him after all the texting, and calling.

When I arrived most people were already there. I went to the locker room to set my stuff down, I went in and saw Libby and Cassidy! I threw my arms around them, then started to head out. Cassidy whispered a problem through my ear and I ran to get Shelby. After we solved it, it was time to face Justin!

I walked in and Shelby asked if I had seen Justin. I hadn't been looking for him, but now that she mentioned it I scanned the room for him. I saw him in line getting food. He looked so cute and athletic in his khaki shorts, blue nike high tops, and black polo.Shelby waved and told me to wave to, but I didn't. Later, he came sat by me, and I didn't say anything. Then, he got announced for an MVP award and I didn't say good job. I felt like I was a horrible girlfriend. All he did was look and smile at me. I felt sick to my stomach.

After slide show it was pool time. After Olivia, Libby, Cassidy and I changed we headed out. We were about to do a friendship jump, where u hold hands and jump in. Then Justin and daemon came up from behind and Justin push me in and daemon pushed in Olivia. We hog angry and chased them, but they wouldn't get in. Then, we all began to go under when Justin did a cannonball right at Cassidy and my face! We started to chase then I dunked him when I got to him. Later, we all played sharks and minnows and just had fun.

When it was time to get out, we all gave each other hugs and heading to locker rooms. I didn't want to end swim, not right after we had just started dating. I just have to wait till October, wow, that's awhile! I guess I will keep writing about my days as I go. Bye for now,

Kee Thomas

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2013 ⏰

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