Chapter 24: Off to find Neeks we gooo!!

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          A/N: ik it's been a while. i just got no motivation. so plz don't yell at me. should i rewrite the 1st couple of chaps??

Waring: Suicidal thoughts and other shit!

Will's POV

Violet pointed me off into this random direction. I have no clue where i'm going. I'm scared that im going to find Nico dead on the side of the road while being surrounded by monsters. OR WORSE!! HE FOUND SOMEBODY THAT HE LIKES!! Ok Will. Let's not go there.

Just keep walking. Just keep walking walking walking. Should I use this skateboard?? Nah. All I did during practice was fall on my ass and got laughed at. Never mind.

I started riding and before I knew it I was already on my ass. What a great start. Maybe I should have invested in butt pads instead of elbow pads. Like, why would I need these?! I'm not falling on my elbows.

I came across this alley way and turned to go to down it. I got off of the skateboard and picked it up. This looks like a place Nico would like. I found a group of guys at the end.

2 of the guys were fighting and the other guy looked like he was trying to break it. "Now, now lets stop. I DON'T HAVE THE MONEY TO PAY FOR YALLS HOSPITAL BILLS!" The guy yelled.

"Oh well." The third guy said and they just kept fighting.

"hi." I said.

"Hey there kid. What do you want? Weed?" The guy that wasn't fighting said.

"I'm looking for someone." I said. I really want to get out of here. "And maybe a place that has a bathroom."

"Oh uh. Maybe I can help you. The nearest place that has a bathroom is a few blocks down from here. And what does this person look like? Maybe I have seen them." The first guy said.

"I'm looking for someone name Nico di Angelo. He looks emo, black hair, skull shirt, looks depressed..." I said.

"Hah! See Gray! You can say shit like that!" The second guy said.

"He gets a free pass Harold!! He is trying to look for someone!" Gray said.

"Don't mind those 2." The first guy said. "I'm Layne by the way. And I have seen a kid like that tonight. Gave him some weed."

"I'm Will. Thanks. But please don't sell weed to underage people anymore. And which way is the bar??" I asked.

"Sure will do. And its that way." Layne pointed in a direction.

"Thanks. Bye!" I said then ran off.

I hopped back onto the skateboard and rode in the direction he pointed me in. Soon enough I came across a bar. I went inside and went to the bathroom.

"Excuse me, sir!" I waved down the bartender.

"Yes what can I get for you?" The guy said.

"Oh nothing. I am looking for someone. Have you seen this boy that looks emo, was most likely high, black hair, and skeleton shirt, with a black leather jacket?" I asked the guy.

"Yeah he left about 30 mins ago." The guy said. That means that he was here at 2:30. It was 3am now. Blah. I'm tired. Wayyyy tooo tired for this crap.

"Thanks!" I said and left. If I was a high and drunk Nico where would I go?? To the left I guess? I mean it looked darker over there. And the darker the place is the more likely there you would find a Nico.

I rode on my skateboard for a while. Fell on my ass a few times. I just gave up and put it in my magical bag along with the protective gear. I kept walking for who knows how long. And down a street I looked and saw Nico.

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