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*Chloe's P.O.V*


"Would you shut up Susan? Why are you always telling me what to do!! I am a grown adult....."

It all kept going from there. The fighting, the yelling. And then it stopped.

This is how it always is!

Me and my baby sister Maggie just stand out of the way. Maggie's only 2 and doesn't understand what's going on.

Sometimes she asks: "why are mummy and daddy yelling? They love each other right? We'll always be together right?"

It's hard to tell her no. We are not going to be together much longer.

But I'll keep her safe.

I promise!


I go out for a walk to get some fresh air and to get away from all the yelling.

As I walk by different newspapers and different billboards. I start to tear up.

He's all over them.

With his posh band.

And goodie two shoes girlfriend. (I love Eleanor!! But in this one she's unliked!)

He probably doesn't remember me.

He stopped keeping in touch with me a long time ago.

I miss him...

I need him...

I want him...


I think this was pretty good!

Do you guys?

Please keep reading!!

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