✦59| Fancy Auditor boyfriend✦

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A/N: Thanks for opening the chapter. Do vote and comment. Those who are reading my other book The trial of an undomestic barrister, thankyou and those who aren't, do check it out. 

faded - alan walker


"You are not meeting your fancy Auditor boyfriend for awhile", Lionnel ordered, as he looked down from his newspaper, while sitting behind a large round table, wherein he had a quality time with Ribelle a few hour ago, just as Min-ji had entered into the room.

Clad in her doctor coat, the stethoscope still tied around her neck, Min-Ji felt flabbergasted as she walked nearer to the table and stood before it, glaring at her father, "is that why you called me here in the middle of an operation?!", she shouted, angry. "Medical procedures are not a fucking joke!"

Lionnel hummed, "good evening to you too, love", he rolled his eyes, before focusing back on the newspaper.

Min-Ji threw her handbag over the table harshly, "and why would I not meet Jungkook?"

"Because I said so", Lionnel shrugged, "no calls, no texts, leave him be for awhile", he added, eyes on the newspaper still, that was highlighting the crime report of Seoul in past week.

Min-Ji groaned as she snatched the newspaper out of her father's hold, "I don't find it in me to listen to you", she said, glaring at him. Lionnel scoffed as he stood up, pocketing his hands in his khaki dress-pants under alike three-piece suit, as he raised his brows at his daughter, "is that so honey?", he asked, calmly.

Min-Ji nodded, putting her palms against the table, and looking sharp into Lionnel's eyes, "yes, you fucking come home after years only to order around the only person who spoke for you all these years? You've any idea how exhausting brothers got after you vanished?!", Min-Ji snapped, "it was me who took care of them, it was me who filled in the role of my dead mother and deserter of a man I happen to call father!", she argued.

Lionnel sighed, walking around the table nearer to Min-Ji, "you claim that, but do you have any idea of how I protected you three?", he asked, standing still just before his daughter. 

Min-Ji stood straight, her eyes blood-shot, "so what, because of you we were homeless and had nothing to eat until I worked like a maniac for it", she mentioned, looking eye-in-eye with Lionnel.

The older man scoffed, "my bank account was seized, otherwise I'd have sent you money", he argued.

Min-Ji rolled her eyes, "yeah, same old excuses, old man", she shook her head, and grabbed her handbag again, attempting to leave when Lionnel grabbed her wrist.

"Leave it", Min-Ji demanded, as she rotated her neck at her father, "not until you meet your escort", Lionnel said.

"What escort?", Min-ji blinked confused. Just then the door to the room opened and in came a man, clad in a bright blue two-piece suit, black shades and faded blonde long hair tied into a knot over the back of his head. The man appeared to be somewhere between twenty-nine to thirty. Coming inside, he removed his shades and looked at Lionnel, as the older man smiled, gesturing Min-Ji to him, and so the man focused his smile onto Min-Ji.

"Hey, I'm Hyung-sik"


"What do you mean mom, if I know whether he ate the Chocolate Three-milk cake you gave us or not?", Jimin asked in the phone as he came out of his classroom. 

It was four-fifteen in the early evening and Jimin was so tired, visible from the dark circles under his eyes. Not to mention the bombastically beautiful heartache he's feeling after being rejected by his husband of all people, just a few hours ago.

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