Chapter 5 - The Eldest's Protection

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Notes: High school scenes are inspired and has scenes by @/BoboiboyGelap's Septuplet AU in instagram XD

The next day, Ice was the first one who got up. Thorn slept next to Solar while holding Solar's head, Solar eye bags are getting thicker. He must've slept late again, or maybe he just slept due to his consciousness beginning to collapse from the shock of Thunderstorm's death.

Though, those tear marks told Ice everything. Thorn must've comforted the youngest while he slept.

Blaze was beside himself, holding his hand in his sleep, his eyebrows furrowed. Ice held on to Blaze's hand too. Today is the day where Blaze said he'll want to lead them.

"It's not that I don't believe you, Blaze.." said Ice. "I really wish you'll share the burdens with all of us too.. no one is pressuring you to lead us all.."

"It's been just me and Solar until yesterday.. We shared the burden of leading and protecting the shelter together.. I wish since there's four of us now.. we all can do things together for now. No more depending on one person.." he said as he brushed Blaze's hair.

"...I agree.." said Solar.

"You were awake?" asked Ice.

Solar, still within Thorn's hug, "I was asleep until you start talking."

"Oh.. sorry.." said Ice.

"Don't be sorry.. it's fine.. though I agree with you. Even though Blaze and Thorn tend to mess around a lot.. it... feels.. nicer somehow.. " said Solar. "It feels like home.."

"I feel like I can finally share my problems other than you.. I may sound so selfish but.."

"Don't worry, Solar.. I understand.. plus.." Ice said. "Thunderstorm.."

"I didn't expect him to go this soon.." said Solar. "I really wish he's alive so we can be assured of everything again. This.. this.. incident made me feel anxious about everything..!" said Solar raising his voice a bit in frustration.

"Hey.." Thorn hussed as he woke up due to Solar's voice. "I wish he was alive too.. you know.."

Thorn sat up and rubbed Solar's back, comforting him, "I'm sorry.. he's gone because of me.. I understand that, Solar.."

"That's not what I meant..!"

"I know.. but I couldn't help to feel that way.." said Thorn. "If only I was strong enough.."

Blaze finally sat up too, "You guys sure are noisy.." he said.

"It's not your fault, Thorn... Solar too, you're allowed to feel anxious and it's just because we're not used to be incharge..." Blaze said. His eyes looked sharper than usual, it was unknown if it's because he just woke up or not.

"Do you remember Thunderstorm's last words to us, Thorn..?" Asked Blaze. "He was proud of us.. so don't make him disappointed in us by blaming the things we didn't do.."

Thorn was taken aback, "...Blaze's right.." said Ice. "Let's go to Ochobot, we need to see the blood samples." Ice smiled softly.

All of them went to the dining room to meet Ochobot, Fang, and Tok Aba.

"How are the samples' status Ochobot..?" Asked Solar.

"I'm still working on it.." the power sphere answered.

Fang walked towards the brothers, "All of you, shouldn't do anything work related today.."


"No buts, Blaze.." Fang said. "It's alright.. I'll take over everything here, you guys should spend more time together you know.. losing a family member is a tragedy that no one else can't understand. It's different for every family."

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