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。⋆。˚ ʚ isaac and laila ɞ ˚。⋆。

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。⋆。˚ ʚ isaac and laila ɞ ˚。⋆。

"Camden don't worry about me, I'm fine" I reassured him as I was standing in the airport. "Are you sure? I feel so bad that mum wouldn't let you come with us. I don't want you to hate me" Camden admitted. "Cam, it was out of your control, it was her decision and there was no changing her mind. And Camden? I could never hate you" I said as I smiled at him through my phone. "Is Katherine there?" he asks. I look around and spot her as she waves "Yeah, yeah she's here. I'll let you go, don't get up to any trouble Cam, I love you" I smiled. "Love you too Laila" I hung up as I then walked over to Katherine.

"Oh my goodness, Laila you're gorgeous, and you're so tall, last time I saw you you were a quarter of how tall you are now" Katherine exclaimed as she hugged me. "Hi Katherine" I smiled. "How was the flight?' She asked. "It was okay"

"Laila, theres someone here to see you" I look up to see where Katherine is pointing and see Cole walking this way. "Cole!" I nearly screamed as I ran over to him as he pulled me in for a hug. "Hey, New Jersey" he whispered as he hugged me. For as long as I can remember Cole has always called me New Jersey, I can't even remember when it started.

"Ready to go?" Katherine asked as she walked over and handed Cole my bags. "I can carry them," I said referring to my bags. "It's my honour, Laila" Cole laughed as we walked out to the car. As we were driving to the Walters house, Katherine spoke up, "How's Camden?" I smiled "he's really good, he's super excited to start college football next season."

"The timing of his scholarship wasn't the best was it?'' Katherine asked. "Yeah, for as long as I can remember Camden and I never got along, then the past year or so something changed and we've been incredibly close. So the timing sucks," I admitted.

The rest of the drive was silent, I'm usually not the biggest fan of silence but it was really nice, all the trees and nice breeze. As much as I knew I'd miss my family and friends back in New Jersey I'm looking forward to this change.

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"Oh my god" I whispered as I looked out the window to see a beautiful house. "Welcome home" Katherine smiled as she and Cole got out of the car, I slowly followed as I looked around at all the beautiful scenery, definitely not what I'm used to back home.

"I'm so sorry Laila, I've been called into work, ill have Cole introduce you and show you around okay? George will be back soon too. I'm so sorry" Katherine said in a rush as she left. "You ready, New Jersey?" Cole asked as he had my bags. "Cole I'm serious let me carry something," I said as I tried to grab one of my bags off him. "Nope," he laughed as he started walking to the front of the house.

"I'll get the others to bring your bags up later okay?" Cole said as he left my bags at the front door he then yelled "I'm back!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the loungeroom where two boys were playing a game or something and one was reading. "Guys" Cole tried to get their attention. "Guys!"

"This is New Jersey, New Jersey this is Alex, Jordan, and Danny" Cole pointed at each of them as they all said some sort of hi. "It's Laila actually" I smiled. "Keep walking," Cole said as I turned and realised he'd started walking to another part of the house. I follow him into the kitchen "Guys this is Laila, and that's Benny and Parker" as he again pointed to them. "Oh, and that's Nathan" he turned as Nathan walked in. "Hey Laila" Nathan smiled.

"Tours not over yet, New Jersey," Cole said as he walked outside. "Hi Nathan" I smiled as I then followed Cole outside. We walk out to see two boys hitting each other with pool noodles, I think? "Guys!" Cole yelled which resulted in the taller one getting hit in the head by the noodle from the shorter one. "Ow" the taller one yelled as he then hit the shorter one. "Guys!" Cole yelled again, stopping them. They both walk over as Cole introduces me for what feels like the hundredth time today. "That's Lee and Isaac, guys this is New Jersey. She the same age as you, Isaac"

They both just stare at me "It's Laila actually" I smile "I was scared I thought your name was actually New Jersey" Lee admitted. "It's just a little nickname I came up with," Cole said all proud of himself. "And you're the only one who calls me it" I laughed. "Come upstairs I'll show you to your room, oh and Lee and Isaac, do me a favour, bring up Laila's stuff okay?" Cole said as he then dragged me through the house and up the stairs into a room full of canvases, paint, and paintbrushes. "This was my mum's art room, with us ten kids she hasn't been in here for years"

"Ten kids? I only counted nine" I admitted. "Oh yeah, Will, he doesn't live here but I'm sure you'll meet him soon enough. I'll let you get settled in once Lee and Isaac bring your stuff up. I'll talk to you later okay?" "okay" I smiled as Cole walked out, i looked out the window. It's so surreal being back here. I barely remember it though.

I get pulled away from my thoughts as there is a knock at my door. "I lost rock, paper, scissors, so I had to bring your stuff up alone," Isaac said catching my attention. "Oh thank you, Isaac, you didn't have to do that. I told Cole I could do it myself" I smiled as I watched him put my bags down. "I'm a gentleman, and I didn't want us to get off on the wrong foot considering I didn't say anything downstairs. Plus I know what it's like to have to suddenly move into a house full of people, not as many as you of course, but I know what it's like"

"You and Lee?" I asked "Yeah, our dad got recruited, so Lee and I moved in a few years ago," He said as he looked out the window. "I'm sorry Isaac" I whispered as I walked over and placed my hand on his shoulder. "Do you want a hug?" he nodded as he pulled me in for a hug. "Thank you, Laila"

"I'll always be here for you Isaac" I admitted. "And I'll always be here for you, Laila"

And that's how we started, Isaac and Laila. 

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they're gonna be so cute.

i promise most of the chapters will be longer than this

please let me know what you think!

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