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Duijai 'rajah wild' Blake|20

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Duijai 'rajah wild' Blake|20

@rajahwild on Instagram

Zalayah 'ayah' Evans|20

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Zalayah 'ayah' Evans|20

@madisonmbt on Instagram

@madisonmbt on Instagram

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London 'chin' Katz|19


Najeerii 'jeerii' Smart|17

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Najeerii 'jeerii' Smart|17

@najeeriii on Instagram

Renoya 'renae' Lindsey|46

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Renoya 'renae' Lindsey|46


Pamela 'pam' White|43

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Pamela 'pam' White|43

@tanaania on Instagram


Just in case you want to know what that characters look like

!Disclaimer! I changed some of the characters ages to fit the role that they are playing

This will be edited when new characters are mentioned in the story

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