Bandit Part 1

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"...Bandit Heeler. Is this your hat?", she asked. I stood speechless. The curse was broken! I could speak! "Here you go.", she said, as she passed me my hat. 

"Thanks.", I replied. 

"See you later!", she said. She rushed off, brandishing her sword. (SHE RA SWORD.)

"Yeah... see you later...", I replied. 

I really hoped I would...


Dinnertime. All I could think about was that girl. She broke the curse, and she said 'See you later'. I really hope I do see her later! Plus, not only was she holding a cool sword, she seemed really nice too! 

"Bandit. Bandit. Bandit. EARTH TO BANDIT!", Rad yelled, making me come back to the present. 

"Radley! Quiet at the dinnertable!", Mum said, with her voice having a little tone in it. You don't want to know what happens when Mum gets really angry, so Rad immediately shut up and shoved a spoonful of mashed potatoes in his mouth. 

But then I saw her. The same girl. She walked straight passed my table. I had no clue what to do, so i just waved. She waved back, but Stripe smirked. 

"Is that your new camping girlfriend, Bandit?", he laughed. Radley snickered, and so did Dad, which made Mum give him a side eye. I finished my dinner, and asked if I could be excused. Mum said yes, so I left to get ready for bed. I had just gotten my toothbrush and started walking to the bathroom when I felt someone touch my shoulder. I turned around, and couldn't believe who was there. 

The girl from before. 

"Bandit, right? I'm Chilli! Nice to meet you!", she said, smiling. 

"Nice to meet you too, Chilli!", I replied, not knowing what else to say. I put my toiletries bag under my arm and cracked my knuckles. 

"I know it's a little late, but would you like to come and see the creek with me?", she asked. It was really tempting, but I knew I wouldn't be allowed.

"Sorry, I gotta go to bed, but what about tomorrow morning?", I asked. 

"Sure!", she grinned. "See ya Bandit!"

"Yeah! See you tomorrow Chilli!", I replied. I walked to the bathrooms with only one name in my head. 




I finished my teeth, and walked back to my campsite. I zipped my tent up and rested my head on my pillow. I closed my eyes. I could only see one thing. 


Sorry for the super short chapter (Especially at the START of a story!), but I'll try and update as soon as I can. And yes, because I'm a queer human, of course I will add a queer character in the story. 😎

- 27quil

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