Stepping Into UA (394)

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"There are too many people at the front doors. Maybe I should have taken my time getting ready. Can't change that now, but I'll wait till the doors have fewer people around them and still make it in time to find my home room."

(Waiting till the doors have fewer people at them)

You see 2 oddly familiar faces when walking into the school.

But you can't seem to put a name to their faces even though it feels like you have seen them before, maybe even been close to them at one point.

"I'll think of that later. I need to find my home room fast, I'm running out of time before class starts."

You are too focused on finding your home room that you bump into someone.

"I am so sorry about that." Says the girl you just bummed into.

"No, no, I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going."

The girl you ran into asked what your name was and what home room you had to see if you could find
where we were supposed to be together.

"Hi, my name is Momo. And yours?"

"I'm Y/N. It is nice to meet you, Momo."

Momo said that her home room was class 1A. That was the same as yours. That was a funny coincidence you both thought.

You and Momo walked around the school to find class 1A.

The second door to the right, you guys herd from someone nearby.

You and Momo made it to class 1A at the last minute, but luckily, the teacher wasn't in the room till you and Momo found an open seat.

Momo found a seat 1 row away from you so you guys can still have each other on the first day.

Then, looking around where you sat in the room.

You were at a desk agent the wall on the far left of the room with the windows.

Then you had one of the familiar looking guys behind you. He had an angry looking expression on his face with blond hair.

To the right of you, there was a guy with yellow hair with a lightning bolt on the side.

In front of you, there was the second familiar guy with spike red hair.

After having a quick look at who was sitting around you, the teacher walked into the classroom.

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