Of Shoes, ships and kings!

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A small light shon through a half opened window in the chambers of a young boy. The light glistened on the boy's forehead as he slept peacefully in his bed, surrounded by all his toys of course. There was Alice, a curious girl who got herself into all kinds of mischief, and Cheshire the smiling cat, Tweedle Dee, Dumb, The Walrus, The Hare, The Door Mouse, The Dodo. And The Mad Hatter with his small top hat and his charming smile, he was the boy's favourite. The boy fidgeted in his sleep dreaming of all kinds of crazy things, from fighting the bloody red queen to dancing with the dodo, he really loved the idea of wonderland. His blonde hair fell infront of his eyes tickling the tip of his nose, he started giggling at it eventually waking up. He sat up and picked up Alice his mouth smiling "hello there little lady" he laughed softly and put her back down "did you all sleep well? I did, I dreamed I did! Of shoes and and ships and sealing waxes and of cabbages and kings. The sea was boiling hot and the pigs had wings!" He flung his arms into the air and laughed as he fell back onto his bed "you would've loved it Hatter, if only you were there!" He laid there in silent thought "I wish you'd talk back to me" he sighed frustratedly his mouth morphing into a frown, his two front teeth still poking out. He heard his mother calling for him to come get breakfast "MOMMY HAS PREPARED BREAKFAST, COME ON HATTER" he grabbed the toy's hand and ran down the stairs to his mother who stood there smiling. She laughed softly noticing the toy "Come on Jervis you're seven it's time to let go of those silly toys" She tried taking the toy from Jervis' hand but he held on desperately "B-but mommy he's mine bestfriend" Jervis pleaded desperately not letting go. His mother smiled and kissed his forehead "Well I'm sure Hatter can go five minutes without you" she gently took the toy. "Yes mommy" Jervis subsided to his mother's will and sat at the table. His mom put the toy atop a cupboard in the kitchen "there we go now he can watch you whilst you eat" Jervis smiled and waved at Hatter then frowned and looked down his nose casting a considerable shadow over his waffles.
The door from the lounge swung open and his father walked in "Honey, Jervis I just got off the phone, and I've got good news!" Jervis' mother faced him and smiled.
"what is it my love?" She looked at him eagerly and smiled.
"Some body has got a promotion" his dad proudly announced. His mother smiled more and hugged him tightly "and we're moving, a new start! Wouldn't that be wonderful?" He looked over at Jervis who was quietly eating his food. "What do you say champ? No more silly toys, maybe you could make some real friends" Jervis face quickly turned angry.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN REAL FRIENDS? HATTER IS REAL SO IS ALICE!" He shouted at his father angrily "I'll-I'll show you one day!" he then ran to his room distraught, not realising he had left Hatter with his parents. He fell onto his bed and started crying, the only people to comfort him and his tears being his faithful friends.

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