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Tae: welcome Back mom.

Mom: ahh It's been a week since I have been in the hospital it feels so good to be back home.

Tae: I missed you mom.

Mom: mee too dear.

Tae: without your presence it didn't felt like home.

Mom: liar weren't you and jisoo having fun without me.

Tae: no not at all we missed you.

Mom: ok if you say so but did jisoo took all her stuff back to her home??

Tae: um....she brought only one suitcase and she took it back.

Mom: oh....ok then I will go cook you something to eat.

Tae: no mom doctor has told me that you need good rest so you sit here and watch the tv I will make you some noodles.

Mom: aww my baby boy has grown up.

*she kissed his forehead*

*at the hospital*

Jisoo: yaa why are we disguised as spies??

Jennie: because mr.park should not recognize us.

Jisoo: what will everyone think of us?

Jennie: let them think what they want to.

*they both went to the reception*

Jisoo: ahem...excuse me.

Receptionist: yes how may I help you??

Jisoo: can you give us some information about mr.park....ahh....what was his full name.....Yeah park min yang??

Receptionist: um...may I sak how are you related with him??

Jisoo: I'm his we are not related.....

Jennie: yaa...she's his daughter-in-law.

Receptionist: oh give me a sec.

*she checks the medical bills and patients history*

Receptionist: can you please tell me his name again.

Jisoo: park min yang.

*she looked at them with suspensions eyes*

Jisoo: *Whispers* why is she looking at us like that??.

Jennie: I don't know.....

Receptionist: did you ever see him??

Jisoo: what type of a question is that.

Receptionist: well you must have seen and are you here to pay his dept.

Jisoo: didn't he already paid it?

Receptionist: no he was discharged 4 years ago and left without giving us a single penny.

Jisoo: WHAT!!!

Jennie: did he come visit in btw??

Receptionist: no we never seen or heard of him from then but after these years.

Jisoo: how is that possible he said he was in coma and got his conscious back recently then how come he got discharged 4 year ago....

Jennie: that man already seemed suspicious.

Jisoo: thank you for the information.

*they were about to leave but the Receptionist stopped them*

Receptionist: you both Can't leave.

Jisoo: why??

Receptionist: since your his daughter-in-law you have to pay his bills.

Jisoo and jennie: What!!!

Jisoo: I'm sorry but I....

Receptionist: if you refuse then we would have to involve the police.

Jisoo and jennie: Police!!

Jennie: no need to involve the police we have a better way.

Jisoo: what??

Jennie: 3...2...1..RUNNNN!!!!

Jisoo: huh!!!

*jennie held jisoo's hand and ran towards the hospital entrance*

Receptionist: HEY!! STOP SECURITY!!! CATCH THEM!!!

Hearing the receptionist the guard tried to stop them by blocking his hands but jisoo and jennie ran beneath his arms.

Gaurd: STOP!!!

*The guard ran behind them*

Jennie: is he runing behind us??

*jisoo looks back*

Jisoo: oh my god!!! He's too close!!!


*They increased thier speed but the guard was also running at their speed*

Jisoo: was he an athlete before becoming a guard how in the world is he running that fast!!!

Jennie: yaa!! It's no time to discuss his skills just keep running if you don't want to end up in jail.

they ran for Another 10 mins making rounds around the hospital until the guard lost his sight from them.

Jennie: iss.....h...he... still Beh....behind...... us??

*Jisoo looked back again*

Jisoo: nnnooo.......

Jennie: then let's stop.....

*they stopped*

Jisoo: ahhh...haaaaa......I can't catch my breath.

Jennie: mee too..... Let's sit on that bench.

*they both went and sat on the bench beside them*

Jisoo:'s been a long time since I ran like this.

Jennie: we might have lost so many calories......

Jisoo: yeah.....

*they both looked at eachother and started laughing*

Jisoo: hahahahah that was...

Jennie: too funny!! Hahahaha

Jisoo: ok but what do we do now??

Jennie: Since we know he's a liar you should confront him.

Jisoo: hmm......but how we don't know where he lives.

Jennie: try calling him.

*jisoo called tae's dad but he didn't answer it*

Jisoo: It's unreachable.

Jennie: then we have only one option.

Jisoo: what???

Jennie: to trace him out.

Jisoo: yaa I'm not gonna run again.

Jennie: don't worry I have a friend of mine who is a hacker she will trace him out.

Jisoo: good then ask her.

*after an hour*

Jennie: ahh...she finally sent it, Let's go.

Jisoo: wait we Can't go alone and end up like this again.

Jennie: your right we should take someone with us.

Jisoo: exactly, we will take the in-law squad with us. Since we can't tell my unnie's and oppa's to help.

Jennie: good idea Let's call them.

*jisoo messaged them about the situation*

Jennie: what did they say??

Jisoo: they agreed.

Jennie: great.

Jisoo: mr.park how dare you lie to me!!! We are coming to expose you!!!

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