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as i said in the description, this is NOT original. this story was inspired by this one ->
(idk if the link will work or not, ive never put a link in a wattpad story before- if the link doesn't work, the story is tadc au - a new life by AtomBoone. its really good, go read it.) there will be parts of this story that are similar to the one i linked, however it will still be different. anyways im done rambling on here, lets get to character introductions!!

age: 16
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: bi
shes unstable as fuck-

age: 15
pronouns: he/him
sexuality: aroace (may change later)
hes the youngest yet somehow the tallest- (also; hes got the most ✨ T R A U M A ✨)

age: 15 (a few months older than Jax, just like in canon-)
pronouns: any (doesn't give a shit, ill use mostly they/them but occasionally she/her or he/him)
sexuality: pan
"fuck pronouns. i dont give a shit how people refer to me." - my au Zooble

age: 16
pronouns: she/ her
sexuality: bi
shes a nervous reck but can be confident as fuck (ie; tragedy mask and comedy mask)

Gangle;age: 16pronouns: she/ hersexuality: bishes a nervous reck but can be confident as fuck (ie; tragedy mask and comedy mask)

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(my art btw, Ill add art for the others soon if I remember)

Ragatha Woods (I dont have last names for the others yet lol);
age: 16
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: lesbian so far in the closet shes never seen the light of day
basically the mother of the group-

Ragatha Woods (I dont have last names for the others yet lol); age: 16pronouns: she/hersexuality: lesbian so far in the closet shes never seen the light of daybasically the mother of the group-

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(Dont ask why the arms are so short, I DONT KNOW)

age: 16 (almost 17, bc hes so muck older than everyone else in canon and im kinda trying to keep that)
pronouns: he/ him
sexuality: straight
bro is to mentally unstable to function- also he just want to see his gf again- oh he's also obsessed with insects-

~Not the main cast :D~
(basically just tye NPCs lol)

age: 15
pronouns: he/him
sexuality: undecided (lets just say hes questioning)
leader of a mischievous trio

age: 15
pronouns: he/him
sexuality: undecided
part of Gummigos trio

age: 15
pronouns: he/him
sexuality: undecided
part of Gummigos trio

age: 32
pronouns: he/him
sexuality: he dont care, hell be with anyone as long as they treat him right (pan)
hes the principal and one of the teachers. not much more to be said

age: 6
pronouns: he/him
sexuality: no.
Caines pet dog (it just makes sense ok-)

age: 33
pronouns: she/her (probably but not fully desided yet)
sexuality: straight but again, gender aint even fully decided yet so that might change-
married to Caine (i love this ship so much ❤️ ❤️ ❤️) and probably wont get much attention (she only gets like 1 minute of screen time in canon-)

age: 28
pronouns: she/her (ik fanbase decided Sun is a guy but the VA was Gosseworks sister so... )
sexuality: aroace (headcanon) (like me!!)
just thought i would add this character bc the Sun gets even less screen time than the Moon, i also almost forgot this character even exists-

Princess Loolilalu;
age: 29
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: straight, asexual
shes a teacher, everyone just calls her "Ms. Loo"

~obstracted characters~
(they didnt die or anything (or maybe some did? idk yet), they just moved away. the main cast already have enough trauma!! plus i dunno how i would even fit that into the storyline-)

age: 15
pronouns: he/him
sexuality: idfk, not important tho cuz he ded
bro just wanted people to laugh at his jokes (spoiler alert; nobody did)
why he gone?: he ded

age: 16
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: straight
she dated Kinger, sadly she had to move away. honestly theyre still dating even tho they have literally no contact with each other- (i dont have a lore reason for that so shh..)
why shes gone?: moved away

~ OCs ~

Flora Woods;
age: 34
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: straight
role in story: Ragathas mom
Shes really nice and likes to garden :3

Flora Woods;age: 34pronouns: she/her sexuality: straightrole in story: Ragathas momShes really nice and likes to garden :3

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(Ik the drawing isnt great, I accidentally made the body so small compared to her head)

Abigail (Abbie) Woods:
age: 8
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: undecided (8 y/o is to young to know your sexuality)
role in story: Ragathas sister
She'd probably be one of those Saphora 8 year olds that are oh so popular on TikTok if her family wasnt so goddamn poor (they're not like poor as dirt, they can still afford necessities, but they live in a tiny ass house for a reason)

Abigail (Abbie) Woods: age: 8pronouns: she/her sexuality: undecided (8 y/o is to young to know your sexuality)role in story: Ragathas sister She'd probably be one of those Saphora 8 year olds that are oh so popular on TikTok if her family wasnt so...

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ill add more/ change shit as tadc continues. we might get to know more about the obstracted characters? even learn the names of the ones we dont already know?

updated 2/1/24, i had everything in bold but it was hurting my eyes-

edit 2: 5/8/24, edited Sun (finally)

edit 3: 7/21/24, added Gangle art :3
edit 4: 7/21/24, added characters from ep 2

edit 5: 7/22/24, gave Ragatha a last name and added OCs (Ragathas mom and sister)
edit 6: 7/22/24, added pictures for Ragathas family. Ragatha and the others will a pictures soon I promise
edit 7: 7/22/24, added picture for Ragatha, others are coming soon!! (if I remember)

tadc high school au!! (real title in progress)Where stories live. Discover now