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As Taco wrapped Mic's arm in old bandages Mic looked disgusted. Taco looked up at her.


"The bandages...they're old and ripped..."

Taco rolled her eyes.

"Well when you're homeless it's all you have."

"Can't you go to hotel OJ?"

Taco paused. Mic looked at her with pleading eyes.

"Like they'd listen to me"

"Please Taco."

Taco let out a sigh.

"Fine, I'll go after bandaging you up, then I could gather wood to make you crutches."

Mic smiled wide.

"Thank you!"

"Yeah, yeah" Taco said, rolling her eyes.

Once done bandaging Mic's injuries, Taco grabbed a dirty old trash bag.

"What's that for?" Mic asks.

"The wood"


"Stay still, don't move, I'll be back"

"If I was able to move I'd be back at the hotel"

"Shh, bye"

Taco started walking fastly towards the hotel, grabbing any wood that'd be useful for crutches on the way. When she got there and saw the hotel a pit formed in her stomach. She didn't wanna see anyone, but she had to. She rung the doorbell. She was greeted by Paper.

Paper looked shocked and maybe a little mad to see her.

"Listen Taco for the last time you're not gonna be able to get a ro-"

"It's not that."

"Are you asking for more food? Because you know I can't do that"

"No listen It's about Mic"

Paper's face turned pale. Funny.

"She left with Soap to start a life together, at least that's what the letter says"

"No, Soap's dead, and Mic is seriously injured listen I need your help."

Paper hesitated for a few seconds.

"Listen I'll meet you at lights out near the dumpsters, I have trash duty today, you know when lights out is?"

Taco looked at her watch, the only thing she has left.

"22 O'clock right?"

"Yeah, I'll see you then."

Paper then shut the door.

Paintbrush saw the whole thing.

When Taco got back Mic looked hopeful.

"Is someone coming?" She asks.

"22 O'clock paper is meeting me behind the hotel and I'm gonna lead him to you."

"Yes! Also how am I gonna be able to use the crutches with a sprained wrist?"

"You'll manage" Taco says smirking, she then sets her bag of wood down and sits next to Mic.

"It's a miracle you barely got injured from that fall, god bless the trees slowing your fall down."

"Yeah, I guess, if anything It's a miracle you saved me, sorry for not trusting you this morning."

"You still dont trust me Mic, be honest" Taco said giggling.

"Well maybe not 100%" The two were now laughing with each other.

It'd be the last time they would ever laugh with each other.


Fan's pov:

Suitcase woke up. She's scared. She quickly started freaking out and I had to calm her down. Apparently Paintbrush told everyone I left to find Test Tube, which I guess isn't completely false.

The last thing Suitcase remembered was going to bed, so I'm assuming Paintbrush got her in her sleep. I gave her half of my breakfast which was 2 pancakes and an egg. She was grateful for it.

While she ate I told her all I knew, Paintbrush killed Test Tube and when I found out they kidnapped me. She asked me if I knew why she was here and I said I didn't know, because I dont.

Eventually I handed her my puzzle to see if she could finish it, it was already halfway done and she did another quarter before stopping to quote unquote savor the experience. She thinks that this puzzle will be the only thing we'll have for a while, so I guess it's best to not do it all at once.

The puzzle is a 600 piece jigsaw puzzle. It's a picture of a jungle, it's too green in my opinion. She said she likes the picture, I guess it looks fine so far.

I'm happy that someones here, now I'm not left alone with my thoughts, but did it have to be her. I mean she's the nicest girl at the hotel and we were once friends but she's just– unstable, to put it lightly.

She kept crying, which I shouldn't blame her for that, I cried a lot too, I just want it to be quiet. She asked me if I could braid her hair and tie it up with my hair tie on my wrist, I said yes since I wasn't using it.

Her hair was soft and dark, it had bleached highlights that were faded, her natural hair color was a very dark and deep brown, the two colors looked nice together. Her hair was usually wavy, borderline curly, but her waves are faded; probably from being stuffed in a bag.

After braiding her hair and leaving 2 strands out in the front to shape her bangs, she actually looked really nice.

"You look pretty good" I say, smiling at her.

"Well you're the one who did my hair" she giggles.

Maybe living with her wont be so bad.

A/N; hey gang i originally wasnt gonna upload another chapter cus of holidays and junk but like something cray cray just happened so i GUESS ill gift you with another chapter

the funniest part about this book is that i have chapter 10 and 11 already made i just have problems remembering to upload things,,,,,and the server is almost done i just have to set up roles and probably get more admin before anyone joins 

okay i think thats all i wanna share umm see you next year gives you a big wet smooch 

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