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Her eyes were heavy with sleep and she couldn't even keep them open. She raised her head slowly and checked the time. It was only 9pm, and she groaned at the clock. Her assignment was due tomorrow morning and in the afternoon she had to do a presentation. After a few clicks, she emailed it to her professor.
"Finally" she said yawning tiredly.

She got under the covers and as soon as her head hit the pillow, sleep kicked in..

"Times up Seth" he smirked at him pointing his gun at his skull.
"Please just give me more time" he begged going down on his knees.
"You know how things work in this world, no second chances."
"Please, spare me (he continued to beg) My daughter still needs me in her life" he sobbed pitifully.
"You have a daughter?" a deep, dark voice laced with so much authority asked.
"Y..y..ye..yes" he stuttered visibly shaking.
"Kurt" he called out.
"Boss" he pulled his gun away from the man and turned to face him.
"Get this man's daughter, that will be the payment for what he owes me" he said standing up to leave.
"Sir please don't take my child" he begged, tears streamed down his face.
"Next time you won't let your woman take money from my hands" he said calmly walking out.

They left the house, the man was beyond broken. His wife was in the corner shaking like a leaf. This was all her fault. If only she hadn't taken the money but she had to. The couple looked at each other and another round of tears burned their eyes.

"We have to tell her" she croaked out.
"I will call her tomorrow and explain the entire situation to her"
"I don't think, she will ever forgive me" the woman said brokenhearted.
"She's understanding" he said holding her in his arms tightly, reassuring her but deep in his heart worry pumped right through.

Mornings were always a drag for her but today was definitely different. It was closing day, excitement beamed all over her face. She rushed out of the apartment and walked to school. Nothing seemed to worry her at all. She was a straight *A* student so she knew her results were perfect. After eating, she rushed to class to collect her results. As always she was the first one in class, slowly one by one the others made their way into class then finally the professor walked in.

"Well, I'm still surprised that some of you made it to the fourth year" he chuckled slightly whilst shaking his head sideways. "Mr Wyatt for example, how are we still together after all these years?"
"Well sir, it's really simple **he paused** our love knows no bounds" he declared and the whole room burst out into fits of laughter.

He threw a marker at him, which he dodged and Elon caught it before it hit him but smacked Wyatt.

"Next time catch something when it's thrown at you" he scoffed
"I knew you would catch it" he rubbed his head, were Elon had hit him.
"We all want to enjoy our winter holiday, so let's not waste time" the professor said seriously and all the commotion stopped at once. "As always our top student should leave first" he said and they turned to stare at Ismay, knowingly.

None of them could ever bring themselves to hate her. She was the youngest but sharpest amongst them. She was antisocial but when it came to helping anyone who asked, she was always available. They all took her as their baby sister.

"Ismay" he called out.

She stood up and walked towards him slowly. He handed her her results with a huge smile plastered on his face.

"A perfect mark" he called out and the others clapped for her. "See you next semester kid"
"Thank you sir" she said turning to leave.

She stopped mid-way by the door and turned to look at her classmates.

"Goodbye" she said softly and waved at them with a bright smile plastered across her face.

She walked out, leaving them speechless. She rushed to her room and finished packing everything. She took a shower then changed into something comfy enough to travel back home. She rushed to leave her keys at the front desk, so that she would catch the train in time.

The weather had changed drastically, from a sunny day to a cold day with a grey sky that looked like rain would pour out of it soon. She wore a hoodie that reached her knees.

"Are you Ismay, Mr Seth's daughter?" asked an unfamiliar voice from behind her.

She turned around to face him. Slowly, observing she took in his features. He didn't seem to be of any harm.

"Yes, I am" she said gently and he smirked at her.
"Got you"

Someone put a cloth over her nose and she blacked out. Onlookers pretended not to see anything because they knew if they breathed a word of what they just saw they would be signing their own death certificates.

"We got her boss" he said over the phone and cut the call immediately. "Let's go home" he told the man.

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