chapter 1

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~ Pomni's POV ~

'First day of school here. okay, what could possibly go wrong? well lots of things actually... i just moved here, i dont even know anybody! uhhgggg- i am NOT mentally prepared for this... oh, im here already..!'

I look around nervously, 'probably going to get lost here..' I think. I then notice a small group of kids, probably around my age, messing around with each other. One kid is kneeling on the grass, looking at bugs i assume. Theres another kid standing above him, wearing so many different colors my eyes hurt. Theres also a kid with red hair wearing a blue patchwork dress trying to stop this tall kid with purple hair, a purple hoodie, and pink overalls from making fun of some shorter kid with light red hair thats a purply coulor in the back, who looks to be wearing a christmasy outfit. seriously that shade of red belongs on a christmas dress, her outfit kind of looks like this one YouTuber and Streamer "Vixen_VTuber", probably just a coincidence though.

'should i intervene or...? yeah i probably should. maybe one of those kids is in one of my classes, or maybe one of them would be kind enough to help show me around? uhhggg- stop procrastinating Pomni!!' I walk over to them.

~ Third person ~

  "Jax!!! leave Gangle alone for once!" Ragatha says. "hmm... i dont think i will Dollface~" Jax replies, with a smug look on his face. Gangle just stands there, "whos that?" she asks as she notices Pomni approaching. "hm?" Jax looks to where Gangle is pointing. "its probably just the new kid" he says nonchalantly "theres a new kid?!" Gangle replies. "yeah, you where probably fixing fixing your mask or drawing your anime fanart shit when Mr. Caine said that" "Jax, stop breaking her mask." Zooble adds. "it wasnt even my fault that time-"

  "uhmm- h- hi?" everyone in the group turns to look at Pimni, except for Kinger whos distracted by a centipede. 'this was s bad idea, wasnt it?' Pomni thinks, 'welp- to late to turn back now.'

  "hello!" Gangle says cheerfully. "hey, whats your name kid?" Jax asks. "i uhmm- i-" shes nervous as fuck and unable to respond properly. "no need to be nervous new stuff, weve all been though this." Ragatha says "i-im Pomni-" "so your the new student, nice to meet you i guess." Zooble says. "w- who are you people?" "Im Jax, this is crybaby, dollface, who ha–" He gets interrupted by Zooble choking him. "this idiot is Jax, Im Zooble, thats Gangle, Ragatha, and Kinger." Pomni just stands there is shock, "w- why are you ch- chocking him?" she asks. "he deserves it." Zooble replies. "this is normal..." Ragatha adds. "i- okay..?"

   Zooble stops choking Jax, which causes him to fall. "that wasnt very nice of you Zooble." "Jax, shut up." they respond.

  Chapter done!! what the hell this took so long-

update: 2/1/24, changed how Pomni describes Gangle
update 2: 7/21/24, changed Gangles description, again

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