Sundew's Christmas spirit

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{Sundew's pov} 

I was flying through the Poison Jungle, heading to the Sapwing village. I was going the meet up with Willow, my beautiful girlfriend, because she told me that she had a surprise. I was almost there and as I flew around a large tree I heard someone shout "Watch out!" but it was too late. Something snagged on my wings and I started to fall hitting branches on my way down. I landed with an "Oof" and a loud thump. I had landed on my back, one of my wings was tied up in an awkward position and something was caught in my horns. 

"Hahaha!" Someone was laughing at me! 'How dare someone laugh at me! When I get out of this mess I'll make sure a Venus Dragon Trap eats them-'  "Oh Sundew, hehe are you alright?" The voice asked. When the dragon got closer they blocked out the light of the sun and I saw who it was. I gasped a right red blush spreading across my face, it was Willow. The light silhouetted around her figure, making her even more beautiful.

"Honey are you okay?" She asked kindly. "I'm fine," I grumbled, embarrassed. She helped me up and started untangling the thing around my wing. "What is that?" I asked Willow. "They're lights for Christmas," she replied. I asked her what that was and how the lights worked. "Well Christmas is a popular holiday for the Scaven- I mean Humans, and the lights are small glass jars that Blue and Luna helped make. We took the hot glass and some dies and put them together. When they were done with the jars I put in a couple fireflies, screwed on the lid and tied them to these vines. I just twisted a few vines together so that they are strong enough to hold all the jars," she explained. I sighed, still embarrassed about what happened.

~~~The End~~~

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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