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                                                                                                    ⚡️my scarhead⚡️
-⚡️my scarhead⚡️ : 'hey'
-you : 'hey how are you p, how's the summer'
-⚡️my scarhead⚡️ : 'good, would've been better if you were here tho. Mum and dad's bickering is really annoying tho'
-you : 'lol same here ceddy always has a problem with your flirting. So I just said I'd loose count on my fingers and toes if I counted how many girls he's flirted with'
-⚡️my scarhead⚡️ : 'lol, real smooth'
-you : 'yep'

so basically this sucked. I'm terrible in writing texting stories but this'll do ig. Next one will be more posts but it will be like most lovey stuff bleh. I've alr started it I just need to edit it and that's all.

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