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Fan's POV:

Goodness.. That smile.. Her laugh.. The wink..? Am I.. Really falling for her again..?

"NO!!!" I says a little to loud, and some kids stare at me. I gets embarrassed and I look down at my desk. I takes out a small notebook and starts drawing. Ugh... I can't stop thinking about Test Tube, to the point I'm starting to draw her! My blush only deepens,  I keep drawing, not just her, but with me as well. I just couldn't stop smiling..!

The school bell rings, and I snaps out of my world. I get up and start walking to my locker, as I look at one of my drawings. When I gets to my locker, I rip out the drawing on my notebook and sticks it on the locker inside. I giggle, grabbing my stuff for the next class, when I hears a familiar voice.

"Hey Fan!" Test Tube was behind me, a little To close... Oh no, I can feel my heart racing to fast, and my breathing is slowing down! I turn around, very flustered, looking at TestTube very flustered and confused.

(A/N: I replaced the drawing!!)

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(A/N: I replaced the drawing!!)

I close the locker quickly, and look up at Test Tube. "H-hey Testy!.. What's up..?" I can feel my face warming up, and I can't control my heart beat... Ugh, not again...

Test Tube responds. "Oh nothing much, just wanted to see what you were up too!" She smiles at me happily.

I can't control myself anymore... I fall or faint in place, my cheeks hurting from how much I was blushing. Test Tube looks at me, and she laughs. She lends a hand to me, and I grabs on to it as I stands up.

"Heheh.. Thanks.." I said, in a very calming... Way. When I look back at our hands, they're still holding onto each other, and my face turns dark red... Oh gosh, she's holding- well, more like grabbing my hand!

Test Tube can't help but chuckles as I turn red, I really fell for her, huh? Test Tube wants to tease me, so she doesn't let go, in fact, she holds my hand tighter... Wait WHAT!?

I got all Flustered, but I thought this was funny and adorable, so I nuzzles her hand with my thumb, as I giggled nervously, blushing a lot as well.

And just like that, Test Tube felt her heart jump for the first time...

~More Than Friends~ (Fantube-High School AU) Where stories live. Discover now