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i look up at him as i sit opposite him, and i can't believe i'm on a date with my ex and i can't imagine myself anywhere else right now. 'do you have any tattoos?' he asks me as i nod.

'i have one on my lower back, and one here.' i reply, turning my head and moving my hair out of the way so he can see the 7 behind my left ear.

'why a 7?' he asks after i turn back to look at the menu.

i shrug. 'it's my number. and i was born on the 7th.'

i see him nod. 'and the one on your lower back?' he asks with a smirk as i chuckle.

'none of your business.' i speak as he laughs.

'you won't be saying that soon enough.'

i roll my eyes. 'you're too full of yourself. weren't you on a chickenshop date last week?' i ask as he laughs.

'on the topic of dating, what happened to you and madeline?' i ask as he shakes his head.

'i'll be real, i cheated on her like 5 times.' he mutters like it was deserved, making me raise my brows. red flag.

'why did you?' i press as he shakes his head.

'i dont know. why did you date doug in highschool?' he speaks as i laugh.

'touché.' i say as we both chuckle.

after our date, we step outside, his arm going around my waist as he drops his head to my ear. 'my place or yours?' he asks, knowing we were both thinking about the same thing.

'yours.' i murmur as he nods, opening the door for me as i step in before he gets in on his side. his hand goes on my thigh as he starts the car, driving off towards his hotel.

i wrap my arms around oakley's neck as he kisses me passionately until he pushes me so my back is against the door. he unlocks it, putting his arm around my waist so i dont fall as he opens the door. his hands go back to my waist as he kisses my neck, leaving marks as he shuts the door behind us, walking towards the bed. 'you sure?' he breathes as i nod, his hands moving to the back of my dress and undoing it before it falls to the floor.

'fucking hell.' he breathes as i laugh, his lips moving down my chest. i pull his hoodie off, followed by his shirt before attaching my lips to his neck, standing on my tiptoes. he pulls his joggers off, leaving him in his boxers as he pulls my remaining underwear off, before following in suit. 'jump.' he whispers as i wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, kissing his lips. he moves us over to the bed where he drops me, his hand trailing down my body as he looks at me, slipping a hand between my thighs.

'fuck, oak.' i moan as he smirks, circling my clit with his fingers.

'you're so wet, baby.' he mutters as i bring a hand to his hair, tangling my fingers in his hair and pulling gently.

he slips his fingers inside, as i pull on his hair harder. 'fuck.' i murmur as i pull him closer.

'how long has it been since you've been fucked?' he asks with a smirk as i roll my eyes, not answering his question.

i hear my phone vibrating from somewhere as i groan, wrapping an arm around oakley as i feel his arm wrapped around my waist. he moves, digging his face into my neck as he groans as well. i reach my hand out, finding my phone on the nightstand as i answer the call from zack.

'what?' i murmur, feeling oakley pull me closer as i put a hand in his hair, playing with his short curls.

'did oakley fuck you?' he asks as i scoff.

'i'm not answering that question.' i mutter as he laughs.

'well valerie's here so we're expecting all the details when you come back.' i roll my eyes as i end the call without saying anything else. i leave my phone on the nightstand and go back to playing with oakley's hair.

'what did he want?' oakley rasps, his morning voice evident.

'he asked me if we fucked.' i reply as we move so he's laid on his back, my head on his chest as he plays with my hair and i trace over his tattoos with my finger.

i feel his chest vibrates as he chuckles. 'and what did you say?'

'i'll talk to him about it later.' i speak as i feel him pull the duvet off my side so my tattoo is visible.

'what does this mean?' he asks, tracing my tattoo with his finger.

'it's about you.' i murmur. 'right person, wrong time type shit.'

he chuckles. 'i'm glad to know you think about me.'

i scoff. 'do you not think about me?' i ask softly.

'of course i do.' he speaks before pointing to a part of his tattoo. 'this is about you.' he murmurs as i sit up, his eyes darting to my chest as i roll my eyes and he smirks. he points at another tattoo on his chest. 'this one's about you.' he continues for about 5 tattoos as i look up at him, my heart warmed.

'about me?' i ask as he nods. i wrap my arms around his neck as i hug him, his arms going around my waist as he chuckles. i lean on my forearms as he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.

'do you wanna come over?' i ask him as he nods and we get up to get ready.

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