~*Happy New Year*~

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New Year's Eve, the last night of the year. A time of celebration and merrymaking. The moment when we say goodbye to the old and hello to the new...with a kiss for good luck from the one you love the most.

"Man, it's cold out," you grumbled, wrapping yourself up in his oversized cloak. The one you accidentally 'borrowed' on that faithful evening.

You had been invited to a friend's party, which you would normally attend, but you decided to just stay in for the night. After all, you didn't want to bring everyone's mood down with your mopiness over a certain cocky padawan not being around to kiss at midnight.

Bringing a sleeve to your nose, you breathed in his comforting, cinnamony scent. "Oh, Ani," you sighed sadly. "I wish you were here."

Just then, you heard a gentle tapping at the balcony door. Chalking it up to only the wind, you returned to sulking on the couch in peace. That is, until the sound came again.

Louder and a tad frantic; you couldn't ignore it this time around. So cautiously you approached and slowly eased back the curtains to reveal...

A familiar, hooded figure standing in the snow.

Sliding the door open, you were greeted with a heart melting smile and... "Are you an angel?"

"Sorry, handsome devil," you laughed in disbelief, tears of joy in your eyes. "I'm just a padawan from Earth."

"Earth, huh?" Anakin joked, enveloping you in his arms. "That's near wild space, right? Very old and very tiny?"

"Yeah, something like that," you giggled, fidgeting with his braid.

Giving the lock a small tug, you pulled him into a sweet and tender kiss. One that made sparks fly between you.

"I can't believe you're really here," you whispered, foreheads pressed together.

"Of course, I am," he muttered. "I wouldn't miss out on the chance to start off the new year with you by my side."


"I know, so cheesy," he chuckled.

Without warning, Anakin suddenly scooped you up. "Now, let's go get warmed up. These cloaks aren't the greatest when it comes to keeping out the cold."

Of course, he would take notice. Blushing profusely, you gazed up at him timidly. "I'm sorry, I'll return-"

"No way," he protested, carrying you back inside bridal style. "I want you to have something of mine." And as if reading your mind, which he probably did, Ani added cheekily. "I'll even freshen up that cinnamony scent for you."

"Thank you," you said all embarrassed, as he closed the door behind you with the force.


It took some searching, but you managed to dig up a set of comfy clothes that sort of fit Anakin. The hoodie was a bit snug and the sweats... Well, let's just say you had never been so happy to own a pair of thigh-high, fuzzy socks.

After that was all settled, you made the executive decision to order pizza...since Ani successfully burned the one you were making...and cuddling on the couch to watch the ball drop.

"Sorry again about ruining the saucy dough circle," Anakin apologized around a mouthful of food.

"It's all right," you replied with a silly grin. "You're just no Leo Campo."

He titled his head to the side cutely. "Who?"

Oh, the irony. "Just a character from a movie I like," you answered nonchalantly, wiping a glob of cheese off his chin.

Satisfied with what heard, Ani shrugged his shoulders and licked your thumb clean. "So, tell me again how your New Year's works?"

Grabbing the two glasses from the coffee table, you leaned back against his chest. "We start counting down ten seconds to midnight. When the clock strikes twelve and the ball finishes its descent, we give a cheer and toast with a little bubbly. Then we kiss for good luck in the new year."

"I like that kissing part," Anakin said mischievously, wrapping an arm around your waist.

"Me too," you agreed with a playful smile. "Now, here, take yours...it's about to begin!"

Accepting his own flute of champagne, Ani pulled you in extra close and started to chant with you...

"10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...HAPPY NEW YEAR!"

Clinking your glasses together in a cheers, you both took a small sip and then gave each other a very affectionate kiss.

"I love you, my beautiful angel," he muttered, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck.

"I love you too, my handsome devil," you whispered.

And, as the winds picked up outside, the abandoned jedi holocron shinned brightly in the swirling snow. 

A Old Good Time *Part2* (Anakin x RealWorldReader)Where stories live. Discover now