Chapter 6: Logan's at Smackdown!

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Logan's in Dallas tonight, making the trip from Houston where RAW was held last night to be here on the Blue Brand for as far as he knows, no reason, he didn't mind though, it gave him a chance to see Leah and Matteo, wherever Nicole has left him for tonight, as far as he knows she's not really working tonight and is on commentary where Carmella will attack her at least that's what he was told.

Duncan: ... Why are you here anyway? Your not cashing in are you?

Logan found a few friends, Duncan Blake, the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, he's a good Champ, the crowd love him and he's a big guy, nothing wrong with having a Giant as the WWE Champion, although Logan has got his sights on that belt, he's not sure when he'll be dropping the Universal title but never say never, he might get a call telling him it's next Monday or he'll get a call in 9 months, he just needs to not piss off Vince until then, Hunter only has so much leverage to the old man.

Logan: Nope, I'm title and Briefcase less. I'm just here cause Nikki wanted to see me.

Duncan didn't really mind, he's been Champion for a while now, might be worth letting someone else have a go but it probably won't be Logan since he's just won the Universal Championship, although the time on his MITB case only has a few months left, he's in no rush to cash in and he hasn't been told to just yet.

Shane: Logan! Perfect. Can I speak to you both for a sec.

Logan and Duncan looked to each other both shrugging and going with him, Logan's not even meant to be here so this is just really luckily for Shane, he probably planned to call him after talking to Duncan but since they're both here, might as well kill two birds with one stone.

Nikki: Oh, Logan your here...

Logan stopped as Nikki came around the corner with Trinity, Natalya, Becky, Alexis and Leah, all of them are ready for the show tonight, looking great in their gear, Logan though was only able to do a quick glance to them all before needing to get moving.

Logan: Hold that thought. Shane needs us. You all look fantastic by the way.

Nikki didn't seem bothered as he took off, not before giving them all two thumbs up and skipping backwards, he soon turned and ran to catch up to Duncan and Shane, speaking of the Money in the Bank early, that is what the meeting was about, Logan's not got a cash in date, the girls however made small talk, just waiting for their turn to kick ass, well, 4 of them will, Nikki's on commentary where Leah will attack her.

Leah: ... It was awesome. Other then nearly burning down his apartment.

They asked her about her "Date" with Logan the other day, Nikki's already told them all her stories about Logan, from what she say's he's the perfect guy, hold's open doors, cooks, cleans and what not, other then the whole not wanting to get married thing, he's quite the catch and Leah seems to have caught him.

Alexis: So you two are a thing? That's cute.

Alexis joked with a small nudge to her best friend right now, Natalya and Nikki though are more experienced in dating then they are right now and they could tell there was something a little more behind her words, it was pretty clear that Alexis was crushing on the Universal Champion and why wouldn't you, he's cute, handsome and funny, yes, cute and handsome are different things.

Leah: Not really. It's more a friends with benefits kind of thing.

Trinity, Becky, Nicole and Nattie all saw a light brighten up in Alexis' eye, she's always talking about the night she was with him in the hotel room, which is why Nikki isn't mad, once she explained what happened, she forgave them, deep down she also knew Logan wouldn't do that around their baby, she's just never seen Logan with another women since they broke up, sure she's seen him flirt and what not but that was the first time she's seen him and a girl half naked together, it caught her off but she's over it and him now, she has Duncan now.

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