New Beginnings Pt. 1

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Ha-rin woke up on her hospital cot. The air smelled musty as she looked around. Bright sunlight streamed through the window. She could see the small particles of dust in the air. Out of the corner of her eye, Ha-rin could make out a girl with brown hair, quietly reading on a chair next to her bed. She could hear the pages flipping.

"J- Ji-an..?" Ha-rin shocked herself. She didn't know who this girl was, but the words flowed naturally from her tongue.

The girl jumped, looked behind her, then quickly spun around and made eye contact with Ha-rin. They both held still for moments.

"... Ha-rin...?" The girl sprung up from the chair she was sitting on.

The girl rubbed aggressively at her eyes in disbelief, and Ha-rin could see crystal tears running down her face, Dripping onto the ground one by one.

Plip. Plip.

Ha-rin felt her own eyes fill with tears, and then drip out of her eyes. She couldn't explain this feeling. She knew this girl... but she didn't. Why was she crying?

For a second the scene was almost magical, just the two girls in silent motionless reambrace.

Then Ji-an abruptly ran out of the room.

Her sobbing shouts filling the hallways, echoing through the whole building.

Ha-rin was immediately thrown out of her trance. That... that was Ji-an. She remembered now. Ji-an was.. Her best friend... Before she.. before she... what?

But Ji-an wasn't her biggest worry at the moment. Where was she? The question stung at her mind. She tried lifting her arms, but they were almost glued down to the cot with wires, needles, and straps.


She tried getting up, tried moving her head, even wiggling her fingers, but... nothing. Panicked confusion settled in. Her body refused to move, she could not even wiggle her toes or flick a finger. Her memory was cloudy, like thick mist, and she could only recall the smallest fragments out of the deepest corners of her mind.

She tried once more to get up, but felt this sudden... cloudiness. She felt her cheeks go warm and everything in sight go foggy and blurry as she slipped out of consciousness.

END (356 words)

- Sorry, I know its kinda short but this is just an intro, next epi is coming prob in the next moth cuz im changing some things in the storyline

- Hopefully it doesnt take me too long, ive been kinda busy

- Sorry!

- (Also if there are spelling errors, please tell me i cant spell for the sake of it-)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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