xiv. chronicles of a drunk gojo saturo pi.

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Hands ran over his hair as he glared at the white haired man in front of him

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Hands ran over his hair as he glared at the white haired man in front of him. His ocean blue eyes brimmed with sadness irritated him. A finger pointed as he sighed at his own reflection in the mirror. Even the most nefarious criminal couldn't feel the amount of guilt bubbled up inside him. He made Mayumi cry. Or worse, he made her hate him forever.

Albeit, it wasn't intentional at all.

Not at all.

He would never want to make her cry. Her smile was so charming. A part of him wanted her to smile forever.

And yet. What did he do?

Make her cry and feel- what was the word she had used? Easy. God.

He could swear on all sweet things he had ever eaten that he didn't mean that. Fushiguro Mayumi wasn't easy. And even if she were, he'd not have insinuated that because who was he to judge on her? The last thing he ever wanted to be was sound judgemental, that too, around her.

The alcohol made him nauseous. He hated it with every fabric of his heart. And yet. He remembered Shoko saying how alcohol makes you forget things. Why couldn't he forget then that he made his girl feel shitty?

Enough. He had enough.

Drunken groans left his mouth as he dressed himself with much difficulty, walking outside. He needed to see her smile. Seeing her smile would make it go away. If only Megumi wouldn't see him. Surely, he had no reasons to explain why he'd be present at the Fushiguro apartment.

Would it be messy? Yes.

Would that stop him? No.

He pulled out his phone, ringing her number and his brows creased when she didn't pick up. So, she was ignoring his calls. That left him no way out other than to make his way into her room from the balcony like he used to.

But. He was drunk. There was a meagre chance that his movements wouldn't be as calculated but he threw the thought away. He was Gojo Saturo. This was the least of what he could do.

Forgive me, Mayumi chan, he mumbled as he climbed up, his movements awfully sloppy and for a second, he was glad that there was no audience. The plan was simple. He would get inside her room, make gooey gooey eyes at her, or worse, beg her to forgive him. They kiss. Happy ending.

Alright. He knew that it wasn't that simple. For one, Fushiguro Mayumi was actually hotheaded, no matter how calm she looked. Secondly, he had hurt her badly. Thirdly, he was reeking of alcohol, certainly not a good impression.

Just what was Mayumi doing to the cool, laid back Gojo Saturo?

a/n : i promise guys this is the last filler chapter. i wanted to write a longer one but since it's jan one, i wanted to post something. pls don't be mean to drunk toru, he's a sweetheart

ps : have any of you read or watched the apothecary diaries (kusuriya no hitorigoto)? IT'S SO GOOD ??? i think im lowkey crushing over jinshi so badly

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