chapter 4 recovery

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[critical damage fixed]

A robotic voice emitted from GeNna.

[warning: memory damaged!]

[attempting repair]

[warning: some files are lost]

[attempting recovery]

[failed recovery file to file

______GeNnA pov______

[deactivated sleep mode]

i began to wake up not long after my system automaticly deactivated sleep mode.

the floor felled moist indicating it had rained while i was asleep

"nghhh-" i groaned as sat up from the uncomfortable floor. why was i on the floor?

I look at my charred suroundings. I tried the get of the floor but just stumbled instead. why am i so sore, what happened yesterday?

then it hit me. the monster fungus thing!

wait, dreidra!

i quickly analysed my surrounding, looking for her.

after i bit of searching i found it... and it was cold.


maybe-, maybe i should check if anybody survived...

yeah, i should.

and so i did, i entered the charred remains of Tritari.

going past the gate -well what remained of it- i searched for a single living human being.

the first house i went to: four corpses, two adults and two children. burned beyond reconisation. i was only able to tell their age by their size.

second house: six burned corpses, all adults. same status.

third house: three corpses, two adults and one child. only one was burned. the other two are in the corner, hugging eachother one assumably a child. charred mushroom growing in and out the body.

fourth house the same

fifth house: more of the same

and so she went from house to house. situation almost never changing much.

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