8. Armin - Fountain

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The gentle clattering of water filled me with a child-like joy. It was silent in this part of town, no markets with people loudly praising their goods, no children running around, or any other sound to bother me. Only me and the clattering of water that shone like diamonds in the sun's grace. Since the first day I laid eyes on this fountain, I knew I would treasure it. And now, with my hands submerged in its cool clear water, it was more true than ever. I let out an appreciative sign and heard chuckling behind me.

I unconsciously smiled too but acted not to hear. As muffled footsteps crept closer, I waited until the right moment. Then I radically turned and splashed water over the unsuspecting face of Armin.

"Why?" he chuckled protestingly. "You are so lucky it was me and not the Captain!"

"The Captain doesn't chuckle as cutely."

His cheeks coloured pink. "Oh... err, what are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you."

"You couldn't possibly have known I was coming here!"

"True, I was just teasing you." I poked him jokingly, then tickled him. He erupted in giggles which I gladly listened to. "I visit this fountain every time I'm close. It's calm and lovely here. This place, this water..." I plunged my hand back into the blue and moved around, causing small waves.

Turning back to Armin, I saw his big ocean eyes eager with something to say. And yet he held back. "Armin, tell me." He hesitated briefly, then started unsurely. "Well, you seem to appreciate the sound of water so much. They say that... outside the walls... there is a -"

"sea, and oceans so big that merchants could try all their lives and still not get all its salt."

Armin stared at me, mouth agape, eyes bright. "You know about the sea?" I nodded and cupped his face in my hands. The water dripping from them fell on his shoulders, but I did not break eye contact. "And I think of it every time I see you."

He could no longer contain his happiness and hugged me tightly, holding onto me as if I were the most important thing. I petted his back and as the hug continued, I gathered enough bravery to pat his golden head. I pushed him slightly away from me and saw that he was on the verge of tearing up.

"I don't think Eren believes in the sea anymore...But it doesn't matter, because you do!"

"Well then," I smirked, "shall we go together?" He nodded frantically. I grabbed his hand and started marching away from the fountain, towards the walls as if we could go there right now. I did not let go of his warm hand, and he did not ask me to either. I turned my head to him but he looked away bashfully, yet I felt him affectionately squeeze my hand. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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