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. . Nothing

So far you felt nothing since you blacked out, you could briefly hear some things while you were out

"Y/N! Y/N!"

"Y/N please! Don't do this to us! To me!"

"... I can't.." Cmon dude... Get back up

"I should have saved you.. I am sorry Young Y/N"

"Damnit kid... You just had to try to save us all... I am a terrible teacher"


"Oh Y/N..." Crying can be heard after they said that

After that one last thing was heard by you

"Son... I am sorry I ju- sigh I should have helped you, I could've joined the staff so that I- I- I-..." Crying also starts

You didn't know which was which, you could infer who which one was from but that didn't matter now

You could feel it, the cold feeling of death as you slowly lose you're will to fight for your life

Hey, cold, like Shiroi... Shiroi... Man you don't know what to do

You tried your best to wake up and tell everyone you're okay but... Nothing happened

You tried to get help, but nothing came

Shiroi POV:

God it's been 5 days since you.. I don't wanna say it

I really don't know what to think, each day just some how goes by without me noticing it

"Sweetie? Are you sure you are okay?" My mother asked me

"Hmm..? No yeah I am fine" I said giving her a smile

But I am not, after the U.S.J attack you were rushed to Recovery Girl then to the hospital, this heavily impacted U.A has multiple people spread concern about a kid being hospitalized

They all assured them they are doing anything they can to help the kid and funding their recovery

But I didn't really care about that, every day after school is done the class all go to spread their care for you

I was surprised on how they showed their concern even though they haven't known you that well they still care about you, it made me glad that they care about you that much

But on the 1st day after your hospitalization your family came in, they weren't allowed to go into your room but of course they put up a fuss tho we hadn't seen them just your father

"Y/n.. it's been... Terrible without, I never noticed how much you affect my day.." I started to lay down on you as I started to cry

Tokoyami POV:

Heya Y/n... Sigh I just don't know what to think at this point

Your mother and father wanted to know how you were so they went into your room, your brother told me about how they were pushed out of your room since you were still in critical condition

Well look, Aizawa was able to recover so we have been able to do class, you'll be cleared of all assignments but you will have to get ready for the festival, they said it was coming up and that we have 2 weeks to get ready

UnSolved Knight [MHA x MALE READER MACAQUE] Status: On HoldWhere stories live. Discover now