Chapter 140: The Cry Of Freedom! Part 2

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Ren continues walking down the street nearby the old Orphanage and continues looking at the old buildings around him.

"The Black Feathers really did take this place by storm...  We started off small with conquering some territory...  Then we started getting into the nitty gritty of things.  We began to figure out ways to make some money and get some cred to our name.  When our numbers grew, we had to develop a code...  A way to control our gang from doing stupid stuff..."  Ren thought to himself as he continued walking down the streets, being passed by a small group of gangsters on motorcycles hollering.

"OUTTA THE WAY DUMBASSES!  THESE STREETS BELONG TO US!!!"  The gangsters yelled as they revved their engines loudly.

"We only had three rules...  No infighting.  If you had a problem with another division, you'd settle it with a leader or a division captain.  Only steal from other gangs.  Vilgohdon may be filled with scum of the universe, but there are innocent people who have no choice but to live here.  If we're going to have dirty business, we may as well keep it among our own kind rather than involve innocent people..."  Ren thought as he continued walking down the streets.  But most importantly... No killing. We settle matters with our fists, not through weapons.  We said it was because we were better than that and because we shouldn't become our enemies...  But mostly, it was our way of keeping our promise to Lady Zoa..."

Ren looks around and begins to see mirages of his old gang fighting against other rival gangs.  He looks to his left and sees him, Farka and his other teammates using a ladder as a battering ram to open a large door.

"One more time should do the trick!  Put your backs into it this time!  We've almost got it!  Ready...!?  And...!"  Young Ren's mirage yelled as he and his team busted open the door with the ladder.

The Black Feathers all roar loudly as they continue to charge in with the ladder, blasting through their rival gang's members before throwing the ladder towards another group; sending them all crashing into a pile of boxes.

"CRUSH THEM ALL!!!"  Young Ren yelled as his Black Feathers roar and begin to flood the entire building.

Ren leads the charge with a wide smile on his face as he knocks out 5 members of the rival gang.  Another memeber smashes a piece of wood over his head, but Ren remains steadfast as he turns and kicks that member back into another group, who also begin to target him.

"COME ON COME ON!  IS THAT THE BEST YOU'VE GOT!?"  Young Ren yelled as blood from his head dripped down his face.  "I'M STILL STANDING FUCKHEADS!!!"

"BASTARD!!!"  The rival gang yelled as they all charged Ren.

"Only 10 of you coming for me...?  Please...!"  Ren whispered as he charged towards the group.  "BRING ME 10,000 OF YOU!!!"

Present Ren only stares at the fighting mirages before him before they disappeared once more.  He looks in front of him and sees the leader of the rival gang kneeling before him, with Farka standing by his side.

"We've lost...  We're finished...  Utterly and completely...  This territory...  Belongs to you now..."  The rival leader said to Ren.

"And now..."  Ren said to the leader as he held out a white jacket with the Black Feather's logo on the back.  "So do you.  Welcome to the team..."

The rival leader looks at the jacket held out by Ren for a moment before taking it.  He takes off his old jacket and casts it into the nearby flames before putting on the white jacket.

"FROM NOW ON!  TEAM HEAVEN'S GATE WILL BE A PART OF THE BLACK FEATHERS!"  Ren announced to the other gang members, who roared and cheered loudly as he raised his fist.  "BLACK FEATHERS FOREVER!!!"

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