Holy Crap!!!

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There is an empire on land known as Ludencht, and the emperor of that land married the most powerful woman in the empire. The oldest daughter of the powerful Spelidor family, who bore him a son and a daughter, a pair of twins. Soon after, he wed a second empress from the Schwandel house. The youngest of her family which was known to raise the status of the empire through their knights strength. She bore him a second son but shortly after, on a delightful day with beautiful weather, the second empress was assassinated and the only suspected culprits were the twin siblings of the first empress. Causing a malicious rumor to spread to the outer reaches of the empire, that even influenced the emperor to decrown his first son and proclaim his newly motherless second son, the heir to his glory. "The supposed reason for his dethronement.....well it was reportedly because he was too cruel." 

A small poke on my tail let me know that I was busted again, for reading books about the human world to my siblings. A topic that was forbidden because it spurned and inspired many merfolk over the years to see the land, which resulted in the death of many and the trafficking of some as slaves. Which spawned half breed mermaids, who were used as underpaid labor for most humans who managed to find one. "Stop filling your siblings heads with that drivel, Y/n. You're old enough to be married now and your father and I wish that you'd drop those delusions of being on the land." My mother was never one to support me but even so, she did have valid points about going up to the surface and the dangers on land due, to the select group of humans that had no kindness in them. "But mom, I want to at least go to the Ludencht empire for their celebration ceremony in a few days!" She kept scrubbing the dishes as I told her, "There was a book that F/n wanted me to get her up there too! I was also hoping to see the sights and at the very least...learn how the humans celebrate." 

My hands clenched hard as I knew what she was already going to-- "You can go, just be very careful." My mom smiled at me while saying, "I won't tell your father either, but you should get going now. Or you won't make it in time for the festival."


"That lady is so pretty, I've never seen anyone with hair as rich as hers!" My legs felt stiff as I walked on land for the first time, but my outfit couldn't have been worse as a simple white dress similar to human sleepwear, with simple flat shoes in black on. At least my h/c hair was still fine, after the three hours I took to dry it. ".....huh?...." All of a sudden everything went black as I struggled against whoever had me, waking up in an extravagant room with the princess and prince I had heard about, standing before me. "She's the author? She looks like she just jumped out of a carriage." My throat hurt but I still attempted to speak, "Who are you people?" Suddenly a sword was at my neck as the prince, Gray had glared at me while pushing princess Lily behind him. "She's a mermaid." 

"My name is Y/n L/n, I only came to the land to get all of those books recalled!!" They were in shock as I told them, "When I was little, a sleazy uncle that my dad knew had stolen a bunch of papers from his office. One of those stacks happened to be a story that I wrote, but it was never supposed to be published!!" My lungs started to hurt even more then Lily pointed out why, my tail and fins had popped out by accident and by extension my gills were out. "Haakkk!!!!....Cough.....Ow!!!....." Stowing them away again with the power of my necklace, Lily offered her hand to me. "My name is Princess Lilibeth and we wanted you to write good publicity stories about my mess of a twin brother Gray." That was why they abducted me off the street right after I arrived in their kingdom?!


"She fainted again." Jake exclaimed while propping the poor mermaid up on the couch, "Those f/c fins and tail though, they're very unique compared to most merfolk." Gray glanced at her as Lily raved about how cute she was, but he couldn't help but remember a girl who looked similar to the mermaid in front of him. "Do you think she could be a member of their royal family?" Lily shook her head, "Nope, even if that was possible...the likelihood is low. So, she's most likely just a citizen with unique colors." After having her sign the contract after she awoke, the maid who first attended to her in her room had been granted permission to take her out, exploring the town happily while Y/n was still dazed. "I don't know what's wrong, but you should let your worries fly away while we're here. Right?" 

Y/n managed to smile for the first time since she'd gotten on land, "Yeah!"


To be continued...


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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