- 𝙉𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪? -

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Kim Seungmin and Yang Jeongin were a happy couple, were.

They still in highschool that time so at first they didn't know a single thing about dating, but they knew they were meant to be. Atleast, that's what they both thought..

It was a normal day, Jeongin was peacefully about to head to his classroom until he heard some students talking about something in the lockers area. He went to check it out.

He saw a group of people talking and being the noesy little fly he is, he hid a locker away from them to hear what they were chatting about that's so important that they skipped class.

"Hey, have you heard that the popular boy, Kim Seungmin has a girlfriend now?" He heard one of students said.

"Omg is it true? I heard that too and I also heard that she's pretty" Jeongin scoffed when he heard that comment.

They chattered more about the Seungmin girlfriend thing then went to class after they finished gossiping. Jeongin was still hidden beside a locker rethinking about all the gossip he just heard. He knew he wasn't dumb and all the rumours are probably untrue but..

What if..

Nah, Seungmin would never, or would he?

Jeongin walked away from the lockers area and went to find Seungmin. He thought that maybe Seungmin was at the back of the school so that's where he went first.

When he arrived he wasn't surprised when he saw Seungmin smoking back there, but what surprised him is that there was someone with him..

A girl..

Nonetheless, he was about to approach them until the girl started wrapping her arms around Seungmin's and kissed him on the cheek. Jeongin was.. taken aback but also he doesn't know how to react. All he felt was numb. He also felt betrayed. Is this what heartbreaks feels like? It's sure isn't the best feeling.

It's surprising how Jeongin can feel all these feelings at once despite his face being serious. Since Seungmin and that girl hadn't noticed him yet he decided to run away fast.

With Seungmin

I was smoking at the back of the school cuz im such a wannabe badboy (cut)

Anyway, suddenly there's some girl approaching me wrapping her arm around mine and kissed my cheek. It's disgusting but I gotta date this girl until I have enough money to pay my parent's surgery.

I know it's wrong and plus I'm already taken but there's nothing I could really do. I'm too lazy to get a job and this girl offered me tons of money that's enough for my parent's surgery so I had to do it. Although I felt like someone just passed by here. Nah, probably just strong wind.

Back with Jeongin

I ran to the bathroom as fast as I could. I needed to let these tears I've been holding quick. As I arrived at the bathroom I immediately went to a stall and bawled my eyes out. These feelings I've been bottling up finally burst out. It felt nice but also painful.

After basically crying my heart out I went out the stall and washed my face. My eyes were red and swollen from crying, my nose are red and pretty stuffy. And my lips were also swollen from biting on them. I sighed and just went home. Who knew heartbreak can be so painful.

Although, I still need to confront Seungmin about this..
The end.. Nah I'm just kidding.

At home

Once I've arrived home I immediately texted Seungmin to come over. We needed to talk. An hour later he'd arrive. I greeted him and told him to sit down.

"Seungmin.. We need to talk." I said firmly. Seungmin was taken aback of my tone but he nodded meaning he's willing to listen to whatever I had to to say. "Who was that girl with you at the back of that school?"

"Why did she kissed you on the cheek? Why didn't you push her away huh!?" I immediately burst. "If you lost feeling for me why can't you just tell me instead of cheating on me !?" I stood up tears streaming down my face.


"Innie I-"

"DON'T 'INNIE' ME, THAT'S NOT GONNA FIX ANYTHING. I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'D DO SUCH A THING." I yelled again. He seemed to have no words. I started to calm down a bit and spoke softly.

"You know, when we first started dating, I didn't know a thing about love. I just made myself believe that if we have each other than anything can be possible and we could learn about love together but.. I guess we're just too different to be together." I chuckled even if it wasn't funny.

"Just get out." I said firmly. He stood up probably heading out the door to leave but instead he grabbed my hands and pulled me into a kiss. I was shocked and tried to push him away but he was too strong so I gave in to the kiss.

He pulled first and looked me in the eye. "Jeongin, you didn't let me explain, I wasn't cheating on you and no that girl isn't my girlfriend. I don't want a girlfriend and I don't even need one since I've already got you with me."

"Anywho, that girl forced me to date her just so she could pay me money. I know it might sounds wrong but I needed the money. You see, my parents got into a terrible car accident a week ago and I didn't bother to tell you since I didn't wanna involve you in my own situation and I was uhmm. Oh and I'm still young to get a job so that girl offered me an offer that I couldn't afford to reject so that's why I agreed to date her."

I was shocked with his side of the story. Nonetheless, I feel bad for him but what he did was still wrong..

"I- I'm sorry about your parents.. but Seungmin, what you did was unforgivable I just can't forgive you that easily I- I'm sorry.." I said as I looked down.

"Heh, it's okay. I won't forgive myself either maybe it's best if we took a break from each other eh?" He said as he gave me one final kiss on the forehead and went out the front door.

The moment he left, I fell on the ground crying my heart out. Once again, someone important in my life is gone..
A/N : Happy new year ! Bye² 2023 and HiHi 2024 !

This might contain alot of mistakes and won't make any sense so yeah :D

Anyway, you might've expected me to write a ff about one of your requests, I'm sorry if you didn't expect this but please don't worry ! Next chapter I'll do one of your requests !

Also, I start school in 2 days so yeah back to being busy and this book having slow updates T-T

I'll still try to post more though. Anywayz it's night time for me here so goodnight, I'm going to bed !

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