au boys (warning for creepy/disturbing images :) )

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well. as creepy as my style can get.

warning for graphic descriptions for the au!! you can also ignore this although the images will make more sense if you don't :)

explaining the au a bit, basically i took some of my sky oc's (kadavo, amaryllis, and dune) and turned them into mystical creatures but with a twist!

basically, it goes like this;; originally, there was only one. a cursed child, forever to be destined to a life of horror. at first, he did not know this. he was only aware that he was alive and that he could make his choices. he made friends, lived his life. although, upon his 13th birthday was when things took a turn for the worse.

he started feeling nauseous, started feeling pain and started to seemingly rot. he grew horns, dripped with a black ooze. after a time of great pain, one day his chest and throat were opened to reveal two gems of his curse. he bled until he had no blood left.

during this time, two friends helped him get back up. helped him through his pain. these two offered to take some of the curse and let him be spared. he was not in a right enough mind to not allow them.

and so, the three were now cursed, the rot spreading to them all. soon, they were all called to the forest and soon became the guardians of such, protecting a prize they even do not know, unable to leave after entering. now, they were able to hear when the uninvited enter, a sharp sound ringing in each's mind.

ANYWAYS let's go first to last :)

first guardian, kadavo! whoever catches his gaze is dead

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first guardian, kadavo! whoever catches his gaze is dead. he will chase them down or throw his spear at them until they've passed. you're able to get by him by either avoiding him, or hiding once he gets nearby.

second guardian, amaryllis!! sitting atop the trees, he will shoot at those who dare to step into his territory

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second guardian, amaryllis!! sitting atop the trees, he will shoot at those who dare to step into his territory. you can get by him by hiding and never catching his gaze, otherwise he will endlessly shoot at you. at that point, dodging is your only slim option.

and, finally, the third guardian, dune

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and, finally, the third guardian, dune. he's an illusionist, and usually appears as a human to lead whoever gets through to their death. he will only show his true form when his victim is to die. he also takes the voices of anyone who passes through as he's mute, and plays them similarly to a recording. you are not able to get through him. you will die if you try to fight, and you cannot slip by him as he is in the way of the prize.

although, more recently, he has been letting adventures have a choice.

die, and listen to how the guardians were cursed, or live, and go back through amaryllis and kadavo. although, they get a medal showing his emblem, and as long as the other two see it, they will be spared. this does not work when they know the person is coming in and not out.

anyways, that's it, i might write more things abt this au because i love it :)

byebye,, and happy new year (even if it's two hours off for me rn) 👋👋

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