[Q and A Part 1]

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Just type in any questions, suggestions, and / or personal questions you have about me in the comments, I'll answer each and every single one. I was gonna make this as a (You Can Skip Part) of the story, but I just figured I can make this instead.

Peppermintrose64 asked - For my question (at least for now until I think of any others). I would like to ask does Lauren possibly have DID? (Like Mike from revenge of the island). I mean, she did say that in chapter 3 of the book that she didn't remember putting up the signs and in the same chapter forgot what she was talking to Zee about, so basically I believe Scary Girl is an alter of Lauren (Like Genocide Jack to Toko in Dangamorpa Trigger Happy Havoc). It's only a theory I considered but I would like to know if Lauren and Scary Girl in your book are the same person.

(Sorry if I'm ranting like a dork about this btw)

Answer - Its ok, and Yes, Lauren and Scary Girl are the same person. As for the signs, in chapter 3 she only stated that she didn't put them up, telling us that either the interns who work at the resort or the other cast put them up on there to warn everyone else to keep out. Also, she didn't forget what she was talking about with Zee. She just dosed off, not paying attention to what he's saying, imagining herself stopping Zee from leaving.

Bunnypaw33 Asked- Do you draw the covers of this book and the Scary Girl X Zee one? If so I LOVE THEM. If not- where did you find the art??:)))

Answer - no, I didn't draw the cover art for either this or the main book. All credit goes to Vonnie /Vannyface /@vonoddity on Twitter, or should I say "X", (Go see the parts that say Scary Girl and Zee art on the next pages I made to see all of their work)

TheBirdDude Ask - hi, I like your story. Anyways, I just want to know what made you get into Scary Girl x Zee?

Answer - To be honest, I just really like the pair together, friendship or otherwjse. A Crazy girl with a Chill guy is funny to me. I love their scenes together. Wish they had more in season 2. Side note they remind me of Gwen and Geoff of that one episode in season one. Not saying I ship Gwen and Geoff it just reminded me of that moment.

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